Chapter 14

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SPECIAL THANKS TO DEAR APHRODITE WHO MADE ME THE SUPERB COVER! THANKS!! :D Well I've changed it and I'll make sure to put it in the media soon!

We were running like blind deers who were running away from a group of lions. The only difference was that we were humans and they were... Umm... yeah they were also humans. But mindless and predator ones. I was reminded of the sentence "There are many monsters in the world. But first we should look out ourselves. Maybe we are one." I think that was true. Bieber was always a monster but... Then I remembered myself. I threw Ashley to the zombies. I could have ran away from her but not thrown her.

I stopped suddenly. Ariella pulled me and woke me up. I was daydreaming. I felt that I'm a monster. As if I have lost all my hope. I didn't have hope though but my instinct to save my life was gone. I was just running because Ariella was pulling me. I never knew what did she mean of saying that sentence and I don't know it now but why she said that after me and Bieber fought? That wasn't relevant. I was suspicious about her but now I was only thinking about Ashley. Did she know that I would do that?

Loads of questions were in my mind. Even more than before. Does Sean know something? What's Foster's role in this silly show? What's wrong with Lockwood? Who's the Owl Man? What did my nightmares mean? What does a baby do with this invasion? Why did the zombies attacked our school? Loads of whys and what's were in my head. I couldn't get away from them. I had a headache. I didn't want to run. I wanted to stand there and let the zombies do what they did to my friends. Like Jim, Josh, Jacob...

My instinct got active again and I started running faster. I don't know how but an energy was activated in me. A BIG energy. I was running much faster than normal. We reached the main door. That metal green door. It had loads of colors so far. Once they colored it blue. It was pink at the first place. I always hated it because it was just a trouble. Who wants to come to our stupid school and steal a math book filled with silly formulas? Come one! No one will. And whenever I wanted t open it's lock, it didn't work. I have had tried to escape school for loads of times but it didn't work because of this door but now I had to try to open this shitty metal.

I was in the situation. I was warm, and had loads of Adrenaline in my blood. I ran, jumped and banged on it. It was open and hit me back in my face. I was in dream and wake for some seconds. Chicks were flying around my head going on my nerves with their voice. I was lying on the ground. I shook my head and stood up. We went outside. I was so angry but glad because I was never goinng to see that door again. At least for a long time.

We were in the street. In that silly street. The place where we passed everyday and didn't even look at it. I didn't recognize it because I never payed attention to it. Maybe the world was turned. Oh come one! Zombies are enough! I don't have the mood for weird colorful aliens and teleporters and time travel or planets all together! It's stupid!

Fortunately the street was empty. Nothing that shows that zombies were here before or blood and stuff. Like the zombies were fallen to our school from the sky. But there was no clue to show that people who were passing here were alive because it was totally empty, eery and spooky. Birds were singing and Houses looked like the same. I can't tell if they were empty or not but the windows looked the same.

No zombies were there. Just us. Maybe that was because zombies don't like to wander around places empty of brains or some stuff that I don't know and I don't care.

-" This place is strange." Ariella said.

-" It's the same and it wasn't strange before."

-" That makes it strange." I said and pointed at the houses.

-" Zombies must be coming here to eat brains. There are loads of houses and people here."

-" But looks like none of them knows that zombies even exist." I said.

-" Maybe they can't come here." The twins said.

-" Why?" Ariella asked.

-" Because they don't like light." Nicole said.

-" How do you know?"

-" They never did."

-" Did? But you haven't seen real zombies before!"

-" I..." She aid but cut her speech.

-" You what?" I said. She didn't answer.

-" So how did they come to our school? Why did they..."

-" The Owl Man..." I said with a low tone of voice. Nicole's eyes turned big.

-" Why did you say that?" Nicole asked.

-" Do you know him?" I asked.

-" Think so. The man with the hugest eyes ever." She said. Those eyes always made me scare.

I was reminded of some stuff. y nightmares. The day when I was going to Sean's house. The way the man who had the same clothes made me leave. The day when I saw the owl man on our rof while I was turning the key. I know that they were all imaginations. But now when Nicole said that she's also seen him, it was proved that the Owl Man does exist but who is he?

-" Do you know who's the Owl Man?" I asked. All of the girls were staring at us like silly sheeps. Like a wooly sheep who is chewing grass. I was scared. Who's the Owl Man? What's the relation between us? How is he doing this?

-" Who's the Owl Man?" Ariella said.

-" These are all silly questions! Our main question is how to save our lives and where to go?"

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें