Chapter 9

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-" Is he really turning?"

-" I think so."

-" But that's only in movies!"

-" Zombies are also from movies!"

-" No! We have to see!" Lea yelled.

-" No we have to kill him!!" I said.

Bieber was vomiting. He wasn't talking. I was able to hear some strange sounds that he was making.

-" If he turns how should we run away?" Lucy said and pointed to the door. This time Lola wasn't talking. She was thinking. We were able to hear zombies banging on the door.

-" I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Lola yelled.

-" So be quick!" Lea yelled. I was able to hear a gross sound like Bieber's bowns were growing and his organs were mixing together. He started shouting and asking for help.

-" There is a door!" Lola said and pointed at the door.

-" that's locked!"

-" Yes but we can break it! I never knew what was behind that door because it was closed all the time! Maybe it's..." Lola replied.

-" Let's get to work!" i shouted and banged on the door. Nothing happened. all the guys came and we hit it together. Nothing happened.

Suddenly the door broke. Loads of zombies fell in the room. They was stucked cause they were trying to come in the room together and after a try they all fell down. We didn't have mush time. 

After that I realized that Bieber isn't talking. I turned. He stood up. When he showed his face... His eyes were totally white. He had sharp teeth. He lifted his hands. He had long long nails with bowns getting out of his fingers. We all screamed and banged and banged on the door. Fortunately we managed to open it.

-" What's this?" 

-" A corridor?"

-" Ah! Just run!" I said. We started running. Zombies were following us. Including Zombie Bieber. It was a shortcut to the staircase. We continued running.

-" Where should we go now?"

-" I know!" Lucy and Lola said.

-" Where?"

-" Underground! Miss Lilac the worker introduced a door to us! Because we always helped her! This way!" They said pointing at the stairs.

-" This may be risky!" Josh said.

-" Why?" I asked.

-" Some of the doors were locked. This may be locked too!"

-" No! This is the emergency door! They never lock it!" Lola said. We continued running. We were passing a corridor full of classes. 

Suddenly some one jumped on Jack. He was one of the other students. He was asking for help. 

-" HELP MEEEE!!!!" He screamed. The zombie moved closer to him and bet his cheek. His scream drowned. Then Jacob used a knife and tried to kill the zombie but the zombie didn't die. But Jacob captured his attention. Jack used the time and stood up. We continued running.

-" JACOB! Where did you get that knife???" I asked.

-" I always carry that." He said and posed like a detective.

-" Where are you coming Jack???" I asked.

-" Umm..."

-" YOU MAY TURN! We have to kill you!!!"

-" But!" He said.

-" Jacob moved his knife near him.

-" No no please!"

-" So?"

-" I'll leave. If I found another way, I'll contact you." He said and leaved.

I felt bad about making him leave but his future was to turn into a mindless stupid zombie but I felt bad anyway. Now he was left.

-" There's the room!!" Lucy yelled.

We went inside the room. There was a huge metal door. The light was red and scary but not as scary az zombies. 

-" You'd better do this fast! Zombies are coming!"

-" So it has to open." Lola said and tried to open the door. She continued:

-" It's locked!" 

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant