A Silver Bullet

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Yoshitsune was exploring the other wing with Shizuka, Noritsune, Benkei, and Goyo. Much like Enya's, they got caught in an endless maze until they finally were able to find a room around the same time Enya had. From outside, they could feel the temperature drop around them and their hearts beating from their chest. Yoshitsune took caution as everyone behind him held onto their weapons and opens the door. Inside was a large room with an altar at the far end of the room in the center. The room looked like it was made from ice and far different than the layout of the house. There were pillars engraved with some sort of scaly pattern and on the floor looked like it was made from thin ice with the water glowing as their source of light. Stepping on it, it was able to hold all of them at once but they still split up and slowly move to be cautious. 

They reached the end of the room where the altar is, and laying on it was a familiar sheet of cloth wrapping a large human-size figure. Like a body bag.

"Is this...?" Noritsune eyes went wide as he then opens the bag. All eyes were on it as he unveils the person inside it to be Lady Rui.

"Why is she here!?" Goyo exclaims as they all stared at her. She was pale and cold but her body hasn't decayed yet due to the temperature of the room.

"Why would Hirosawa bring her here...?" Noritsune mutters as he inspects her further. A small 'excuse me' as he moved a bit more of the cloth.

As he did, everyone else looked around the room to see if there was anything else. Or the reason why the temperature of this room is so cold. As they did, Benkei could see something underneath the ice under his feet. Some sort of shadow was swimming around. Meanwhile, Goyo fully opened Lady Rui's body bag to find a horrific surprise. Her legs were gone and all there was is a snake's body and tail that went up to her torso. Goyo was speechless and thought this was some sort of costume but the moment he touched her green shiny scales, his hand froze.

"GAH!" the ice beneath Benkei broke and fell into the water but Noritsune managed to hold on to him tightly in time but he was struggling to pull him up.

"I-I need help! Something is pulling him down!" Noritsune calls. Yoshitsune tried to make his way to him but even the ice cracked underneath him and he fell into the water.

"Yoshitsune!" Shizuka quickly dived him and pulled his arm out. They were both freezing but she was more than determined to get him out. 

Goyo quickly snapped backed to reality once he realizes his friends are in danger. But the ice was already cracking underneath his feet and this time he was pulled in underwater. When he was underneath, he could see feminine figures wearing masks Noh masks. He could see that they were all pulling at Benkei and Yoshitsune's feet while they were trying to drown him. Goyo closed his eyes and focused as serpent-like energy came out from his body and attacked the figures that attacked him, Benkei and Yoshitsune until they were finally able to be brought back up.

"Yoshitsune!" Shizuka finally manages to pull him up as well as Noritsune was able to pull Benkei up. They were all gasping for air and freezing so Goyo had to hurry.

"Shizuka, help me out," Goyo asks her. Shizuka looked at Yoshitsune but then went to him. She cast some sort of spell on his hands and once she was done, Goyo put his hand into the water.

"Dragon Soul..." he mutters as more of the serpents went out of his hand and swim around the water. It chased those feminine figures at attacked them like snakes biting onto their flesh. They scream and struggled to get away but since they were in a confined room, they were already trapped. Soon the splashing and the screaming stopped and the masks were only left behind. Most of them fall into the water below as one floats up. Goyo picked it up and as soon as he did, the room became warmer.

A Family's Happiness (Destiny Ninja Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя