Ears and Tails

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A few days had past as they continued on the road to make their way back to Yoshitsune's mansion. As usual, Noka was riding together in front of (Y/n) on Kurodayu as she looked over at Hyuga.

"Aren't you mad at me?" she asks.

"Huh? For what?"

"You had to burn everything even though you needed to find those... people," she says recalling the moment after her freak out.

"Don't worry too much about it. Anyways, those masks are cursed and we're not really trained to handle anything 'supernatural' so who knows what happens if we toy anymore with them," he says bluntly.

To assure her, (Y/n) pets her head "We will find another way Noka. When we get to the next town, lets eat some sweets okay?"

Noka nods but she still felt uneasy. For a few days now, they didn't talk or play with her as they use to. Mostly they were too busy asking around for information anything about those shikigamis. It's all her fault that she made things harder for them so she couldn't help but feel bad. They soon arrived at the next town which was the town with the fortune shop they had been to before.

"Oh hey, Yoshitsune. What did you ever wanted to do with the sample in the first place," Goyo asks recalling the events back then.

"A client of ours requested for it before we went on our journey. But they canceled their request already." he answers sounding slightly unsure.

"So what are we going to do with the sample?" Benkei adds.

"Why not keep it? If I use it then maybe I can turn into-" Ow!?" Enya spoke to join in the conversation but was soon given another fist to the head by Hyuga.

They finally arrived at the inn where they can rest for the day. Like she promised, after they settled their belongings, (Y/n) then headed out with Hyuga and Noka. It was suppose to be just them at first but Hyosuke and Enya decided to tag along since they were getting hungry as well.

But on their way there.

"Hey... look!" Hyosuke points towards the fortune shop Benkei and Goyo had been to before. It was noticeable enough because of the atmosphere it gives off. But that wasn't the only thing that gain their attention.

Looking at where he was pointing, a very familiar figure entered the shop. Rengoku Biwa. They haven't seen him in a long time since the last attack on them for the treasures. Looking at each other, they then decided to take the chance and enter the shop.

Inside the shop, Rengoku seemed to be purchasing some of the ingredients at the store as he was talking casually with the woman at the counter.

"Oh, customers! Welcome!" the woman notices them enter the store as Rengoku turned around.

"GAH! You again!?" he screamed in terror to see them as Hyuga draws his sword and points the tip inches to his face.

"State your purpose here!" Hyuga commanded as the two other ninjas behind him sent more glares straight at him. (Y/n) held Noka closely to her as they watch.

"I..." they all waited in anticipation for him to speak. "I-I'm here to visit my mother!" he answers which made the room entirely quiet.

"You serious?" Enya spoke coldly but it broke the silence.

"Y-yeah," he nods his head anxiously.

"I'll say, I don't think I can even call you my son anymore. First you work with the Taira clan and now you only come home to get more supplies," the woman complains and looks at the group.

"These people are your friends?" she asks.

"LIKE HELL THEY/HE IS!!" all men shouted in unison.

"Alright, alright... but since you two seem to unfriendly with each other. Mind roughing up my son a bit as punishment for barely coming home?" the woman requested instead which immediately spark Hyosuke's interest.

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