Monsters in the Dark

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Another few days later, the ninjas were almost at their destination where they would meet Rui and Lord Hirosawa.

"Here Noka," Hyosuke threw an apple at Noka after gathering them from a nearby tree in the forest. Noka happily munches on it as Hyosuke gave some to the others.

Continuing their journey, Noka soon fell asleep and rested onto (Y/n)'s chest. As Noka was in front of (Y/n) to make sure she doesn't fall off as they rode onto Kurodayu. To prevent her from getting sunburn, (Y/n) then covered her head with her hood

"So you're finally going to tell her?" Hanzo asks to start the conversation.

"Yes," she nods. "This time I want to tell her myself face to face after all this time personally,"

"Is that why you didn't write a letter instead?" she nods in response.

"What if that Hirosawa-guy objects?" Hyosuke asks through his mouth full of apple chunks before swallowing.

"He's a samurai right?" Hyuga spoke. "I'll show him why I'm a much more suitable husband for (Y/n)," he says confidently.

"That. I like to see!" Goyo says cheerfully.

"And if anything. Will always be with you," Noritsune adds.

(Y/n) felt warmness in her heart but that soon stop when the horses suddenly stopped in their tracks.

"Kurodayu, what's wrong?" (Y/n) tried calming him down but as the others got off the horses to inspect them. One of the guys spoke.

"Hey look!" Goyo pointed out to a figure standing in the middle of the road. A man wearing servant clothes was standing in the middle of the road looking lost.

"Are you okay, sir?" Yoshitsune calls out to him.

"Ah! Travelers!" he breathed out a sigh of relief before running up to them.

"Are you lost sir?" Benkei asks as the man was heavily gasping for air.

"N-not lost. My mistress carriage has been broken because of the rocks on the path, so we are stuck at the moment," he explains still breathing heavily.

"I see, can you take us to her?" Yoshitsune asks.

"Thank you!" the servant bowed gratefully.

After calming down, he then led the group back to where his mistress should be waiting. In the distance, a woman in a familiar red kimono and a man dressed in black was sitting on a log.

"Auntie? Is that you?" (Y/n) exclaims as they all jumped down from their horses. Except for Noka which Mizuki help carry her.

"HONEY!" Rui shot up from her seat and made a dash for her.

(Y/n) stood her ground ready for the impact of her auntie tackling to the ground and closing her eyes but she then notices nothing happened.

"Benkei!~<3" (Y/n) then turned around to see Rui happily clinging onto Benkei as he tries to pry her off.

It was then (Y/n) remembered back at Yoshitsune's estate that Benkei was hiding while everyone had tea. (Aside Enya and Goyo trying to calm Hyuga down). She sweat dropped. Benkei shivered with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"L-Lady Rui, please not now," he stutters as he gently pushes her off.

"Lady (Y/n)," Lord Hirosawa made his way towards her and like before, he plants a kiss on her hand.

"It's nice to see you again, Lord Hirosawa," she replies in a polite manner. It was no time to get embarrass. After all, she already had other things in mind instead of him.

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