Fiance... FIANCE!?

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The evening had come and Enya was pacing back-and-forth around the room upset about today's battle.

"How the heck did this happen to us!?" he shouted furiously banging his hand against the wall.

"Enya calm down!" Sohma said as he patches up Goyo's back.

When (Y/n) was shaking Hyuga to wake him up, Sohma and Mizuki came when they saw Enya and Goyo's technique from afar. Luckily they manage to carry them on horses back to the mansion. The needles that struck Enya and Goyo weren't to kill them but more to paralyze them so (Y/n) was extremely relieved when she heard about that. But she still couldn't help but worry for Hyuga who was still unconscious and she was the one nursing right now. The other's were in the other room discussing today's events while some of the other's were scouting the forest to see if there were any other attacker's still there or escaping.

"Settle down Enya!" Yoshitsune's voice could be heard from the other side.

"You're still recovering so please settle down," without another word, Enya sat down since he could never disobey Yoshitsune.

"Today has indeed been dreadful but this was a sudden attack. Nobody would've thought this could happen," he continued. 

"You still manage to protect (Y/n) and I am grateful that all of you are still here," he put on a wry smile.

"Still, Hyuga was the one who's the most injured," Goyo reminded.

"Hanzo and the others are still out looking. All we can do right now is rest," he assured. Kazemasa, Mizuki, Hyosuke went into the forest to look for any more attackers. But so far they didn't find anything apart from masks and clothes.

(Y/n) could hear the conversation from the other side. Hyuga laid in his futon as she stared down into his sleeping face. From what Sohma said he probably broke a rib or two from that iron club but other than that he should be fine. She recalled what happened and couldn't help but blame herself for it as well but she shook her head and kept her hopes up instead. Right now her only job was to make sure he's okay.

"Mmh.." she looks over at Hyuga with a gasp when he started opening his eyes and look straight at her. Without hesitation, she immediately touches her forehead with his that surprised him a bit.

"...I hate surprise attacks..." he groaned as he stood up "Ow!" but hurt himself a bit.

"Take it easy," (Y/n) said putting her hand on his chest. Hyuga put his hand on her head and suddenly laid back down roughly with her head now on his chest.

"Hyuga?" she called out his name.

"I'm just glad you're safe..." he sighed as he closed his eyes again with (Y/n) in his arms.

A few days had passed since then and the whole forest was completely peaceful as if that incident never happened in the first place. During those days, Yoshitsune ordered most of the ninjas to patrol the mountains more often for any sight of those attackers. But today, Yoshitsune decided to let them rest for today. Hyuga was recovering the past days and because of that, he manages to spend some quality time with (Y/n). Afternoon and (Y/n) was in the kitchen cleaning up and putting away any dishes and noticed that a few of the herbs were almost finished.

"Is everything okay (Y/n)?" Sohma appeared in the kitchen and walked over to her.

"Oh! Sohma, I was just finishing up my chores," she said.

"Working hard as ever... Hm?" he notices the almost empty jars of herbs on the counter. "Looks like we're running out."

"Indeed," she nodded in agreement.

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