Chapter 6

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"Bye Keith," Lance waved as Keith left to go meet with Chorrol before he turned to Z. "Let's do this." Z rolled her eyes with a smile before stepping into her apartment-like room.

"Alrighty, welcome to my humble abode. You want anything to drink before we start talking like girls at a sleep over?" She walked into the kitchen as she spoke over her shoulder. Lance had a momentary flash back to the horrible drink he had with Keith and shuddered.

"Do you have any water?"

"Mhm." She grabbed two and made her way back to Lance. Her place was much different than Keith's. Though the kitchen living room combo was the same, her bed was also on display in the corner. The only other door in apartment leading to what Lance assumed was a bathroom.

She sat herself on one of the two chairs she had by the table in the kitchen and Lance followed her lead, grabbing the water she passed to him as he plopped down.

"Okay, now why don't you tell me how much you know." Z hummed as she leaned back comfortably and sipped at her water.

"Hm. I mean... I don't know a lot. I know that Galra have like- mates for life I guess. And mate-marks which I still don't quite understand. And they don't really care about what sexuality you are... uh..." Lance racked his brain for answers and the longer he thought about it the faster he realized that he didn't know much at all. "Keith didn't know what dating really meant or what boyfriends meant. So. Yeah. I think that's it." Lance grabbed his water and took a sip.

"I thought that-"

A sudden thought came to mind, "Oh! And I know that Galra have soul mates... Right? What were they called again?"

"Kalans. They are very rare and not to be taken lightly."

Lance leaned forward, a furrow in his brow. "Obviously. I mean- If humans had soul mates they wouldn't have to date in the first place. Just search them out and be happy. Happiness shouldn't be taken lightly."

The smile that Z sent him was much more knowing than it should have been and had Lance wondering what it meant.

"Lance, why don't you tell me about Keith? He's the reason you want to know all of this, right?" Lance felt his face flush just a bit before a soft smile joined his dark cheeks.

"Yeah. Uh, well, Keith and I... I don't even know where to start." Lance let out a little chuckle, placing his elbows on the table so he could rest his chin on his hands. "I was the first one to see him and I immediately tried to shoot him- I'm really glad I missed. Despite that he still saved my life. Me, a total stranger who had just tried to put a laser though him. All of this crazy stuff happened and he didn't have a lot of reason to trust me or help me but he just kept coming back. He saved me for the second time once he joined us on the castle of lions. He pushed away my insecurities and comforted me when I needed it most. He tries so hard to protect us."

Lance took a sip of his water, clearing his throat before continuing. "He's so strong. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was willing to sacrifice everything for us. For me. When he got separated from the team and found us in the middle of stealing the red lion back he dropped everything to save Pidge. He fought with me to make sure she was safe. In those cells..." Lance took a small breath, still not fully capable of talking about the next part without preparing himself.

"When I got my carvings, he broke out of his shackles to get to me. He... He was exactly what I needed in that moment and I don't even know how to describe what it felt like to be held by him. It was like... Like if I was hidden in his arms the universe couldn't touch me." Lance gazed at the far wall for a moment, his mind swimming.

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