Chapter 3

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Yes, the art is mine, and if you like it you can follow my tumblr or insta @/renncandraw <3


"Any ideas?" Lance asked Keith as they sat in cover. Keith summoned his bayard and raised an eyebrow. Lance narrowed his eyes. "We can't just run in there and kill all of the sentries without: A. getting murdered or B. getting one of them murdered." Lance gestured behind them to the Genopians who were mining away, none the wiser to the two of them.

"You have a better plan?" Keith asked snippily. Lance felt a growl in the back of his throat as his frustration rose.

Keith always did this to him. He just charged in without thinking and got them both into trouble and then he would turn around and do it again. i.e. today chasing after those flyers; though Lance had been the one who had gone after them first. But that wasn't the point, because when Lance saw that it wasn't worth it to chase them anymore Keith kept going.


Lance really did think that Keith was an amazing fighter and an incredible friend but he was about to explode. It was like he never learned from his mistakes and had it stuck in his head how things needed to go.

He missed earth. He missed his family. He missed having conversations with them in Spanish and even though Keith was putting forth effort and starting to learn his language, Lance really hadn't gotten far with him. Keith didn't even know what an alphabet was because the Galra used characters like the Chinese and Japanese and a whole slew of other earth languages. Keith knew a few words but not enough to form a sentence and it would be a while before he could.

Lance was really just so homesick that every little thing felt like it was the end of the world.

"Fine. You wanna do it your way then we will. You go out there and swing your little sword around and I'll cover you from back here but once we get caught or killed there will be no one to blame but you." Lance knew he was being harsh. In the back of his mind he could almost feel Keith's own frustration and even a little bit of hurt, but he couldn't stop.

"Lance, I don't think there is anything else we can do. I don't see any towers or anything around here other than mines and slaves." Lance sighed. They were in a pinch.

He let himself lay back against the cave wall and breathe.

"We can't do it your way Keith. It won't work." Keith frowned, taking a second before he nodded and slouched against the wall beside Lance.

"I know."

Lance stopped slouching and gave him a hard look. "If you know then why do you keep doing it?!"

Keith spun his blade around in his hand. "I don't know. I just... I just don't really know any other way. Sneak in, steal something, get out. There were never any crazy huge unplanned missions when I was in the blade and now we don't have any clue where we are or how things work and I'm..." He trailed off. Lance waited for him to continue but he didn't.

"You're what? Stupid?" Lance baited him.

"I'm not stupid!" Hook. "I just get..." Line. "Impatient." Sinker.

"Impatient?" Lance raised an eyebrow. Keith looked away.

"Look, it doesn't matter. Let's just figure something out." He didn't elaborate.

"No, no. If you keep on diving into dangerous things head first because you don't want to stop and think for ten seconds it does matter." Lance pushed himself off the wall to stand in front of Keith.

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