24. The Bliss After

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They lay there motionless, eyes latched on the ceiling as their heartbeats slowed to a regular thump, thump, thump. Each lost to their own thoughts, in awe of what they had just shared between them. There were no words to describe the after effects of the blissful marathon. The experience was just out of this world, it was surreal.

A while later when Zi Xuan had cooled down a bit he pulled Yu Hao close to him and placed a delicate kiss on top of his head.

"Wow! That was something." Hearing the words Yu Hao let out a carefree laugh that made Zi Xuan laugh in return.

"Indeed. It was magical."

Zi Xuan pulled at Yu Hao's chin wanting the youngster to look at him. He kissed him passionately and rubbed their noses affectionately. "Thanks for giving me such a wonderful gift."

Yu smiled and kissed him again. "Are you feeling grateful?"

"So what if I am?" Zi Xuan questioned as he pulled back to look into Yu Hao's eyes.

"Then can we go for a second round? This time you bottom."

Zi Xuan gulped and tried changing the subject. "Hahaha.... It's so late. I think we might have disturbed our neighbors with the way we were moaning and voicing our desire."

Yu Hao raised an eyebrow at his lover. "By neighbours you mean Wang Zhen Wen and Wang Zhen Wu? Don't worry I'm sure they are doing the same thing what we were doing moments ago. And I bet they must have woken the people sleeping in the adjacent rooms."

Zi Xuan didn't know how to retort to that, for Yu Hao's words couldn't be negated. With how the elder brother was acting at the night market after winning the games was a clear indication that he must have already collected his prize from Zhen Wen.

"Yeah, you're right. It's Wang Zhen Wu we're talking about." With that he waited and added in, "let's take a shower and go to sleep. We have to make a head start early in the morning."

To that Yu Hao eagerly agreed. If he had his way, he would manage to squeeze his fun time in the shower. And true to his thoughts what could've taken fifteen minutes took more than half an hour to complete. Though there was no penetration involved Yu Hao still managed to coerce Zi Xuan to give and receive some mouth action.

With tired limbs and droopy eyes the two young boys dragged themselves over the downy bed. They hugged each other and prepared to sleep. Suddenly Zi Xuan remembered something and raised himself, startling Yu Hao in return.

"What's the matter?" Yu Hao asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I totally forgot...I bought something at the market for you and between all that happened tonight I forgot to give it you you."

"Xuan, you already gave me my gift. The mini lantern remember? Or is it an after effect of love making that your memory of it was wiped clean?"

"Hahaha....very funny." Zi Xuan smiled sarcastically. "I remember the mini lantern clearly. It's the other thing that I bought at the market."

"Oh! really?" asked Yu Hao, full of curiosity.

Now that his thoughts went back to the evening he recalled Zi Xuan making a stop at the trinket stall. Was the thing that he bought at the stall for him?

Zi Xuan bounded off the bed and searched the inside pocket of his shorts that he worn that evening. When he found what he was looking for he hopped on the bed like a carefree child and asked Yu Hao to close his eyes. Yu Hao did as he was asked.

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