20. An Excellent Suggestion

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The smell of iodoform permeated the air as was usual in a hospital. The entire team had rushed to the hospital as soon as they had finished their semi final match.

"What did the doctor say?" The captain queried as soon as he saw Zi Xuan walk out the examination room.

"Nothing's clear at the moment. He will need to get an X-ray done before they confirm anything." Zi Xuan replied with a solemn expression.

"How's he doing?" Wang Zhen Wu asked, worry etched across his face for his team mate.

"He's in a lot of pain. Thankfully the doctor has given him some painkillers for now. All we can do now is wait patiently until the X-ray results come out."

Heaving a resigned sigh the team members resumed their seats one by one at the waiting area. Each person, hoping and praying that nothing grave would befall their team mate. Wang Zhen Wen fretted besides his elder brother who was was wallowing in guilt. Try as he might, his elder brother just wasn't ready to listen to reason.

"I should have been careful and paid a bit more attention. It all happened so fast that I failed to see him reaching for the ball at the same time as me."

"Hey.....Stop it Zhen Wu." Zi Xuan chided him. "None of it is your fault. These things are bound to happen in a game so don't go ahead and blame yourself."

Zi Xuan could only say as much to convince the libero of the team. Gazing around the room he perused the dejected faces of his team members. Poor guys! even after a tiring match they had insisted on coming to the hospital to see their friend. Despite asking them to go home and rest they had rejected the offer, adamant on staying back.

"Perk up boys. I'm sure it's nothing serious." He tried cheering them up, even though he himself didn't feel it. He had seen so many incidents like these. Injuries acquired on the court could easily turn fatal, him being the best example. He literally hoped to God that it was not the case this time. He just didn't want to see yet another person having to give up on his dream because of an injury.

To take his mind off of such disturbing thoughts he asked the team, "Maybe a cup of coffee will do you guys some good. Who's up for it."

"God! Yes! I think we all are in dire need of one." Cheng En eagerly agreed to the manager's suggestion. They needed something strong inside them to enliven them. If a cup of coffee could do the trick then please, by all means let the beverage flow.

Zi Xuan nodded and made his way to the canteen on the first floor.

"Wait up....I'm coming with you." Zi Xuan stopped and turned to look at the person who volunteered to help.

"That's alright. You're tired as it is......Just rest...okay!"

"I'm bored sitting here. Let me accompany you....please."

Zi Xuan's shoulders drooped in resignation, closing his eyes he tilted his head back and sighed loudly. "Yu Hao~~~~Why can't you just listen to me once."

The boy in question just shrugged his shoulders and dragged the manager along with him towards the canteen. "How are you going to manage with so many cups of coffee at once. Come.....Let me give you a helping hand."

In his attempt to stop Yu Hao's pulling, Zi Xuan looked behind him to see that the team was now smiling at their interactions. A first after the incident, which was quite a welcome sight at the moment. Cheng En on the other hand winked and gave him a thumbs up. Zi Xuan shook his head and followed Yu Hao. Nothing he said was going to deter Yu Hao from accompanying him.

"I'm sure if we request them, they will give us the coffee in a flask." He stated as a matter of fact to his beloved turtle. Still trying to coerce him to go and rest with the others.

Crossing The Line (fanfic) ~ Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें