8. Let Me Touch You

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The kiss was everything theye had imagined and a promise for more. It was a gentle kiss full of anticipation. It was like both of them were testing the waters before diving in with gusto. Zi Xuan separated their lips and stared into Yu Hao's eyes long and hard. Deep longing reflected in those eyes indicating the alluring pleasures that was yet to come. He wanted to tease Yu Hao and stretch out this moment as long as he could. He rubbed his nose sensuously with Yu Hao's not allowing him to capture his mouth for another kiss. He trailed his mouth across the youngster's jawline to his left ear and back to the corner of his mouth, all the while avoiding his lips.

"Mmm" Yu Hao protested when he was deprived of the kiss.

Zi Xuan chuckled and stared at a pouting Yu Hao. He pecked those lips and circled his fingers around Yu Hao's neck, touching their foreheads together. "Oh my dear Yu Hao! You have no idea how it pleases me to tease you."

Cupping Zi Xuan's cheek Yu Hao replied in a guttural voice "And you have no clue how bad I want to kiss those lips. I want to see them thoroughly ravished by my own." His stare intent on Zi Xuan's face he continued "Do not test my patience anymore."

Saying this he pulled Zi Xuan's face closer and captured those lips for a long and hard kiss. Zi Xuan felt his heart flutter a thousand beats when his lips were claimed by those plump ones. He could still taste the minty aftertaste of the gum they had eaten post dinner. Kissing Xia Yu Hao was like the best feeling in the world, of which he would never tire. He caught Yu Hao's lower lip between his teeth and nipped it lightly, proceeding to soothe the pain, laving it slowly with a sensuous touch of his tongue.

"Mmmmh....." A moan ruptured form the back of Yu Hao's throat. He was all encompassed in the feeling. Just kissing wasn't going to be enough, he wanted more. He wanted to devour all of Zi Xuan. He trailed his hands to the back of Zi Xuan's shoulder blades, to the middle of his waist then slithered them inside his t-shirt, unwilling to leave any part of his skin untouched.

Yu Hao took hold of Zi Xuan's sweatshirt and pulled it up so that he could remove it out of the way. But it proved to be a difficult task as no one wanted to be apart from each other's lips. Giving up Yu Hao broke the kiss, both of them breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath.

"Help me." He pleaded Zi Xuan who had now ducked his head trailing Yu Hao's neck with small kisses. He caught the tender skin of his neck in his mouth and sucked on it, eliciting another erotic moan from Yu Hao.

Somehow he managed to free Zi Xuan from his sweatshirt and pushed him on the mattress. He got up from the bed, pulled his own sweatshirt above his head and threw it. Not caring in the least where it landed. His jeans soon followed the t-shirt somewhere in the middle of the room. Zi Xuan lay on the bed gaping hungrily at his partner while he undressed. He was mesmerised as each piece of clothing left his body.

The guy had a good athletic build. Strong shoulders, lean muscles and a flat stomach with visible abs. He had pale skin which was now flushed with a hint of red. His gaze travelled south to the those tight fitting briefs and his eyes bulged. The flesh behind the cloth was aroused and straining against the material. He smirked and redirected his vision on Yu Hao's face who stood there proudly flaunting his wares.

"Looks like someone's quite eager to say hello."

Yu Hao eagerly hopped over Zi Xuan's lying form. He placed his legs on either side of Zi Xuan's waist careful not to disturb his injured knee which still rested on the pillow.

"Yes, quite eager I must say. Aren't you too?" Zi Xuan's hips bucked under the weight when Yu Hao pressed his pelvis to his own. "Fuck........Yu Hao....you're not playing fair."

"Who said I was? All this while you were the one pulling the strings....."

"What strings....are you talking about?"

Crossing The Line (fanfic) ~ CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang