11. Sneak Attack

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It was almost the end of the day in school and Yu Hao hadn't yet heard from Zi Xuan. A week had gone by without seeing Zi Xuan's face or hearing his voice. This morning when he had entered school he had hoped that Zi Xuan would have stood there to welcome him.

Welcome.....My ass....Yu Hao thought to himself. Forget about welcoming......the guy hadn't even shown his face the entire day. How heartless could he be? Wasn't he the least bit worried about him?

When his mom had asked him to invite Zi Xuan to dinner, he had run to his room full of excitement to call his lover. However all he got was an out of reach message. Yu Hao had tried calling several times and each time he got the same message over and over again. Ultimately he had given up, thinking that maybe Zi Xuan was getting back at him for not answering any of his calls or messages. Served him right.....Karma was a bitch. You reaped what you sowed.

Along with him, his mom too had been eager to meet Zi Xuan, only this time, officially as his boyfriend. Yu ha had discussed on the entire menu for dinner and had asked his mom for her opinion only to be disappointed in the end. His mom had comforted him saying that maybe Zi Xuan wasn't ready to talk to him yet and to allow him some time.

Fine, he could allow him some time....But two entire days were too much in his opinion. When his mom had given her approval it had been Friday and today was Monday. Due to Zi Xuan he couldn't concentrate and had zoned out the entire day in class. Even the Wang brothers had steered clear of him looking at his expression.

As the school bell rang indicating the end of the day, Yu Hao collected his notes and dumped them in his bag angrily. He checked his phone to see if there were any calls or messages from Zi Xuan only to be met with disappointment. Wait till he got hold of Zi Xuan. They were supposed to meet for practise anyway, he would show him then, exactly how stubborn he too could be.

As he made his way to the gymnasium he met Jia Jun and Jun Zhe. The latter ran up to him and stood at his side. It was kinda comical to see Jun Zhe follow Jia Jun like a shadow. Wherever Jia Jun went Jun Zhe was not far behind.

"Hey mate, welcome back." Jun Zhe greeted him. "We missed you this past week." The look in his eyes sincere. The same could not be said for Jia Jun but it was as expected. Jia Jun ignored him and went into the gymnasium. Yeah, right....This guy missing him.... would be the day pigs would fly.

The cold stare that was aimed at him wasn't lost on Yu Hao. Seeing the look pass between these two Jun Zhe said, "Don't bother about him. You know how he is. It's best to leave him be."

Yu Hao nodded with a slight smile of his lips, "Thanks bro. I missed everyone as well as this place. It's just been a week yet it feels like a lifetime."

Who would've thought that him, a person who hated the sight of volleyball would ever say this.

As soon as he entered the gymnasium his eyes desperately searched for his lover; however, he was nowhere to be found. His heart sunk. Was Zi Xuan avoiding him for some reason that he wasn't aware of? Was he still of the belief that he wouldn't meet Yu Hao until and unless his mom approved of them? A million question ran through his head.

With a resigned sigh he trudged towards He Cheng En and Xiao Xiao. Both of them engaged in some serious conversation. On eyeing him Cheng En waved at him and gestured him to come towards them.

"Oi, Yu Hao. Welcome back bud. I hope you're fit enough for today's practise session." Seeing Yu Hao's dampened spirit he added. "What's the matter....Why are you so down? If you're unwell you can skip today's practise if you want."

"Nah....I'm alright."

"So.....what's with the long face?"

Yu Hao glanced around the hall once and then back at He Cheng En. Rubbing his forefinger under his nose he asked, "where's your friend, did he not come to school today?"

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