Part 2

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I walk all night until the sun peaks over the trees and my sore body can no longer handle walking further. I collapse next to a tree and lean back, brining my knees to my chest and leaning my head on my knees. The action sent pain through my body but I was so tired from walking I didn't really care. I sit there a few minutes relishing the break and listening to nature until a stick snaps not too far from me. I bring my head up to see a giant black wolf a few feet away from me, moving quickly towards me until it stops it front of me.

Fear is all I could feel as the giant black wolf sniffs at my face. I could feel hot tears running down my face as I stare into the eyes of the creature. A few moments later I feel a warm, slobbery tongue glide across my cheek. I jump and quiver, putting my head on my knees once again, "p-please don't kill me."

The presence of the large wolf disappears and I lift my head slightly to see it laying at my feet, its head on its paws. I slowly move my legs into another position, a sharp pain exploding in my thigh. I groan and press my hand to the deep gash, pulling it up to see it covered in my blood. The world starts to spin at the sight of the blood and I see the wolf stand, stepping towards me before the world disappears into darkness.

I jump awake and sit up quickly but instantly regret it. A burning pain spreads through my body and I let out a muffled groan. "Oh god, don't move. Lay back down." A deep voice says and a hand gently pushes me back. I slowly fall back down to the pillow and look up to see possibly the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He has soft, honey colored eyes that are filled with concern, messy dark brown hair, and slightly tanned skin. He's muscular but not too muscular and looked to be about my age.

"Where am I?" I croak out, my voice barely making sound. The guy turns to a table that has a pitcher of water and a few cups.

"You're on mine and my family's land. A few of my people found you in the woods and called me, I brought you back here to see our doctor." He answers as he pours a glass of water and hands it to me.

I take a long sip before answering, "what about the wolf?" The guy looks at me with a confused expression, "there was a huge black wolf out there with me. It was there when I passed out."

"I wasn't told about a wolf. Perhaps it ran away when it heard my people coming. Don't worry though, you're safe here and no wolves will bother you."

The door suddenly jerks open and I jump but instantly regret it as pain shoots through my side. An older man with brown hair that has streaks of grey and thick, round glasses comes through the door looking at a chart. He looks up and his face instantly brightens, "you're awake! I was hoping you would be soon. My name is Dr. Kingston, it's very nice to meet you although a bad situation. Now I have a few questions for you in a few minutes but first I'll explain what's going on. Your leg was deeply cut open and I gave you stitches but you'll need to stay off of it for a few days, you have three broken ribs on your left side, a broken nose, and a mild concussion. You need to stay in bed for a few days and rest. I'll also be prescribing you painkillers. Now, how did all this happen?" I'm taken aback my the information the doctor gave me and how bad I'm hurt. I hesitate to answer and the doctor sees this, "Don't worry. Anything you say will be put into classified records and you'll be protected."

"I-I, um, I got these injuries from bullies at school and my abusive step dad. I couldn't take anymore and ran away. Please don't make me go back." I feel tears well in my eyes and the guy beside me makes a noise in his throat.

"No one is going to make you go back." The guy says harshly as I look at him. Anger is clear on his face but when he looks at me it almost completely disappears, concern taking place once again.

"What he said. No one here will make you go back. What's your name and age?" The doctor asks as he writes on his charts.

"My name is Clara Tacker and I'm seventeen." The questions continue and I answer all that I can. Eventually the doctor finishes and leaves, leaving me with the handsome guy from earlier.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Jace, it's nice to meet you. Dr. Kingston wants you to stay here for a couple days and then you'll be free. Do you have anywhere to go?" He says, looking into my eyes.

"Uh n-no." I mumble, trying to avoid his intense gaze.

"That's not a problem. We have plenty of room around here. Somewhere will be ready by the time you're out of here. For now get some rest." Before I can answer he leaves me alone in the hospital room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and close my eyes. I'm finally free.

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