Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I looked back towards her waiting for her reaction and she shook her head,”Yeah, Yeah, but I’m watching you two love sick kids.” and she turned leaving the room.

I let out a breath and kissed Lou,”Woo! we are off the hook!”

He giggled and pulled me towards the kitchen,”I know, but I am starving!”

I followed giggling and we went to make breakfast/lunch.  It all went well too just enjoying each others company.  I made the food which was just some eggs and french toast and Louis watched while holding my waist.  He tried to help crack and egg at one point but he got the shell all over in the mixing bowl and even flicked come at me, but I dodged it.  Lets just say after that I made sure he just watched.  Once I finished and we had eaten Louis turned to look at me a nervous look on his face like he wasn’t sure he should speak.

“What is it Lou?”, I said while washing the dishes making sure to get every spot clean.

He looked down at his feet and then said slowly fiddling with his hands,”Uhh sooo when do you want to go see erm.. Charley?”

Setting down the plate I was washing slowly I looked over at him a bit more tense than before.  To be honest I had forgotten about my agreeing to go see him, and now that I might actually come face to face with Charley today I didn't know how to feel.  My voice shaking a bit  nervous I said,”Well. . I guess as at any time...I just have to send him a text telling us to meet..or something?”

I looked down at the floor studying it as Louis voice moved through the room to me taking  one of my hands and holding it,”Wellll, I feel like we should do it maybe in the next hour?  If that is alright. . just so like you don't uhh. . back out?”

I look up at him and can tell he really thinks this is something I need to do, and he isn’t wrong in my wanting to back out, because to be honest that is all I want to do right now!  I just want to cuddle in bed with Louis all day and not think about the fact that I might have lost my best friend.  I didn't want to think about that day again or his face.  I didn’t want to know how he really felt that day. . I didn’t want any of it. .

But I know this is the right thing to do..

“Okay..I’ll uhh I-I’ll text him to meet us at the park in umm like an hour.”, I choke out.

I watch as his blue eyes study my dull green ones squeezing my hand,”Are you sure?”

This is my moment. .

I can back out and it will all be fine.  I can live my life without him and just be with Louis.  I don't need him.  Just tell him no.  Just say you aren’t and move on.  Deal with it and say no.  

Say no!

Do it!



Three Crazy Weeks With You ➳ Larry Stylinson ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz