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jeon jungkook

"today has been great, thank you jungkook." adalie spoke, turning off the engine to the car as we were parked in my drive.

"i've enjoyed it as well, you're pretty cool." i chuckled, earning one from adalie soon after.

"wow, i've never heard that before. anyway, let's get inside and warm up." she rubbed her hands together before she exited the car.

my father and jimin had already returned home only because of the fact that we had to go to the supermarket to get food.

adalie grabbed the shopping bag and i could tell she was struggling with it a little so i insisted on carrying it.

as we entered the house i felt shivers down my spine because of the sudden change in temperature. i took the bag into the kitchen to find my father, who welcomed us home.

"where's jimin?" i asked, sounding a little needy.

"in his room, probably. we bought some new stuff!" my father gave a toothy smile as adalie awed and began to kiss his cheek.

that was my queue to leave.

i strolled up the stairs and towards jimins room. his door was agape so i let myself in and instantly got hit by the delightful smell of jimin's shampoo.

it smelt like vanilla and coconuts.

i turned on his television and jumped onto his bed. i flicked through the channels to see if there was anything interesting.

i soon give up and put on netflix. i look through my recommended and see 'sierra burgess is a loser.'

i furrow my eyebrows, "she looks like the girl from stranger things.." i mumble to myself.

as i was reading through the description, jimin's bathroom door opens.

my eyes darted towards him, he looked more than angelic. his damp hair resting lightly on his forehead, his cute facial features against the soft fairy lights that lit the room and even in a robe he looks good.

"jungkook! w-when did you get-" he looked around with wide eyes, "you scared me."

"oh, sorry chim. i just missed you, haven't seen you all day." i gave him an innocent grin as i watched him awkwardly walk towards his wardrobe.

he got out some shorts and a plain white shirt which looked quite oversized.

he placed his clothes down on the bed, "i'm getting changed, d-don't look."

i wanted to ask why not but i'd sound rude and nosey. i don't care if anyone sees my body, people usually want to see it. not to sound cocky or anything.

"don't worry, you're beautiful." i looked at him and smiled, although i couldn't see the colour of his cheeks i knew they were turning rosy for the way he covered his face and giggled.

his giggle is so adorable.

"thank you, kookie." he mumbled before untying his robe.

i looked away because i did respect him and plus, i'm not a weirdo who stares. i didn't notice the fact my lips were tugging upwards into a smirk, kookie, i like that name.

"i've finished" he said softly, taking his robe and putting it back in his bathroom.

as he walked around the bed to lay next to me i couldn't help but notice how good his ass looked in them shorts. i felt he bed dip down as i slowly lick my lips.

i lifted the bed sheet up so jimin could get under it, next to me.

"what we watching?" he asked, as he cuddled up closer to me, which i didn't mind.

"uh, that?" i pointed to the screen which was showing 'sierra burgess.'

"no~" he whined, "let's what something scary!"

i raised my eyebrows and looked at him, "i don't think that's a good idea, do you?"

he looked up at me, his eyes were big and made him look so innocent and sweet. "i want to watch it though.." he mumbled softly.

i let out a small sigh, flicking through the horror section. there was a few times jimin would say "oo what's that?" and i'd read the description for him and he'd respond with "sounds rubbish."

which is the equivalent to: "sounds too scary."

however, after a few minutes we settled on watching 'jigsaw' which was more gruesome than scary but i knew jimin would still get fazed by it.

as the movie began jimin rested his head and his arm on my chest. i could instantly smell the pleasurable scent of his hair and it made me wanna stay like this forever.


as the film ended i ran my fingers through jimin's, now dry, soft hair. i felt him relax against my body again, i had noticed in the film he sometimes tensed up.

"t-that wasn't even scary!" he exclaimed, lifting his head and looking at me.

his body had flipped over so it was half on me and half not. he stared at me, probably waiting for my response. however, i couldn't help but study his features.

he is so pretty.

"is it time for bed?" i asked, brushing my fingers through his hair.

"nope. i'm not tired." he pouted, before a small yawn broke out.

i chuckled, "not tired at all?"

he sighed, rolling onto his back. "okay, a little."

"what do you want to do tomorrow because we have the house to ourselves." i asked,  pulling the covers over him so he is warm.

"make some muffins" he mumbled, closing his eyes.

i smiled at his sleepy face before leaning down and lightly kissing his forehead. "good night chim."

i got up, turning off his fairy lights and television and made my way to my own room.

my bed definitely wasn't warmer than jimin's which made me wanna go back to his room. however, i stayed in my own bed thinking about what jimin might dream of tonight.

i smiled at all the possibilities but before i knew it, i drifted to sleep.


this chapter is sOft.

anyway, i have to write a sonnet about love for my english but idek  what to do ://

love u lol xo

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