Version 3 Chapter 23

Depuis le début

"Well dearie! It's not like you can just take a break all the time and go brush your teeth during a mission!" Flora said as she tugged her wand out of your mouth.

"This spell will make sure those nasty mouth germs buzz off! Even if you don't have time to brush!"

"Now hold still while we cast the Shower Spell, that one's a bit more unpleasant, " Merriweather warned, wand at the ready.

"What do you mean by more- OW!"

You had almost forgot about that traumatic incident when you went to get your measurements and such taken. Though- at least you didn't smell like fiend breath. That was a bonus.

Hmm. Where is everyone? I've barely even seen any of the maids running around the castle. You were conflicted between staying alone with your thoughts, or finding someone and at least doing something to keep your mind off of everything that had already happened.

You somehow found your way to the dining room from yesterday, seeing that the maids were still cleaning up what looked like breakfast.

"Oh hello there (Name)!" One of the maids chirped.

"G'morning." You nodded your head in a greeting. "By any chance did any of you see what happened to my sleeves that I left under the table?" You almost forgot about them.

"Oh, you should look for Doria, she's the one with curly dirty blond hair in a red dress."

"Red dress, curly hair. Got it." You flashed them a thumbs up and made your way out. "Oh actually, is there still anything that I could eat? I almost forgot that I skipped dinner yesterday." You scratched the back of your head sheepishly.


"Merlin's gone?!" Prompto yelled as he looked up from his breakfast, attracting some glances from around the cafeteria. "Old fart pulled a fast one on us," he grumbled, remembering yesterday's conversation all too well. News had spread fast about the wizard's disappearance, and the door to his usual room in the tower had been locked as well.

"Think the reason he left had anything to do what he was talking about?" Gladiolus asked.

"Probably," Noctis agreed.

"Hey? What's got you two so quiet?" Prompto asked, glancing over at Riku, but more so Lavi and Reno. Their redhead friends had never been the quiet sort.

"We were up last night with Rai- trying to look through some noted realms for any phenomena that could've been (Name)," Riku said. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, not to mention that he spent the night picking through files that had to do with that incident ten years ago.

"That guy is a machine, let me tell you, I don't think he's eaten or slept," Reno said, face down on the table. He didn't really touch his food, he just wanted sleep. Today was going to be an easy day overall since everyone got back. Most students were called to help repair some of the buildings that were damaged after breakfast.

"How does he know how to use a holopad?" Prompto wondered aloud. "If he doesn't have memories and all that."

"I still can't believe he knew (Name)... Think there's anything going on with those two?" Gladiolus asked.

"Oh a little romance brewing huh?" Lavi murmured, entertaining the possibility.

"Speaking of romance have y'all noticed how cuddly the big guy, Chad something, has been getting with Terra?" Prompto asked.

"Oh yea I noticed, yo. It's weird but they work."

"There aren't too many romances among Field Ops are there?" Riku noted.

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