Start from the beginning

"Where do you think you going huh?"

My vision got blurred .. i try to compose myself.

She take off my cap and face mask..

She widened her eyes as she saw me.

Am i that too handsome?

Cause i know im not a ghost.

Jennie and her members gasped as they saw ... ghost?

"Its you?"

"Kim Y/N?"

"Huh? Yes tho its me Kim Y/N. The most handsome guy in the worldwide."

She get off from me.

She remove the dust from her clothes.

"Girls . We gonna report this."

Report what?

She grab my hoodie and drag me together with her.

"Where you bring me?"

"Just shut the fuck up. This is the second time you messed with me."

"What the hell is that?"

She stopped walking.

"Ow!!" I groan in pain when she kick my private part.

Oh god.. seriously i rather to choose Bang Chan spread the rumor than feel the kick from hot girl.

Jennie's POV

"Maam. I wanna do a report."

"What report? Is it urgent matter? Have a sit."

"This boy. He sneak out to ladies' dorm. And he tried to rape me."

"WHAT THE HELL?" He raised up his voice.


"Do you have proof Jennie ssi?"

"We saw Jennie struggling to release from his grip. The figure is tall. Black hoodie..with black cap and black mask. Then we ran after the figure. Then.. there.. we caught him.. and that is Kim Y/N.." lisa explained.

"Maam.. it was not me. Dont you know that its not me the one who only own this black hoodie?"

"Yeah . Its logic. Black is not rare."

I saw him shrugged his shoulder.

You never escaped this time Kim Y/N

"Mind to tell me what the hell you doing with that black hoodie , black cap and black mask outside your dorm building? In the midnight?" I raised my eyebrow.

I saw him gulp.

"Cat got your tongue huh y/n?"

"Enough Jennie ssi. Kim Y/N... you have to undergo the punishment for a month."


"Shut up!" I slapped at back of his head.

"Yes. Starting from tomorrow."

I smirked in victory.

I knew its you from the start dude..


Its been three days since the scene..

.. i have to face the punishment.

I have to clean up the whole school for an hour . Everyday after school period end.

I mop the hallway floor.

Then someone dropped the ice cream.

"Oppss. I'm sorry."

I looked at the voice owner.

This girl again?

"I'm doing it on purpose." He chuckled and walk away.

Gosh.. i just done mop the floor.

Aishhh its tiring..

"Y/N Y/N!"

"What again Bang Chan? Are you contented right now?"

Thank god he is my member if not.. i will not let him alive.

"I'm sorry buddy. I dont know it will lead into this."

"You know Bang Chan...". "You are a coward guy."

With that i left him behind and walk faster.

I was on my way to my car..


I felt something hard hit on my back of head.

The last thing i saw was..

A pair of black shoes in front of my head before my sight blackout..

[COMPLETED] Black | Jennie Kim X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now