I'll have to tell him I'm not interested in him like that.

I'm just not.

Especially now, with all this happening.

Just then I got another text.

From Rowan.

'Meet at Hailey's house. We can all walk to school together.'

She sent the address.

That's two blocks over.

I can walk that far.

I almost grabbed some baggy clothes when I remembered Nikki is telling people I'm fat now.

Rowan told me to dress out and make her look like an idiot.

I think I should.

I pulled out some shorts and a long sleeve crop top. The shorts are a dark blue and the tops a bright red.

I pulled my hair into a pony tail and slipped on some black flat heels.

I looked in my mirror.

I look good.

I lifted my shirt to see the scar.

I hate it.

I covered it and made my way down stairs.

I heard the front door close.

Mick must have just left.

I walked into the kitchen to see some bacon, eggs, and toast on a plate for me.

I can't eat right now.

I'll be sick again

I walked out and headed towards Hailey's house.


I saw Rowan outside of Hailey's house.

I don't see Hailey yet.

"Hey Rowan." I called to her.

She looked up from her phone and waved me over.

"You look-" I cut her off.

"Stupid. I regret it already." I sighed.

She smiled. "I was gonna say hot."

I smiled at her.

"Here. Check this out."

She showed me her screen.

"From Monkeyman?" I asked.

She nodded.

It was a rusty old mailbox.

A message was attached.

'Name of the game. Who am I?'

Whoever this is, wants us to know who he is?


"Where's Hailey?" I asked.

"She'll be out in a second." Rowan said as she began doing something on her phone.

"We had to have done something to this guy for him to do all this? I mean, he's stalking us all and he's kidnapped Elisia. I can't imagine what I must have done to get someone this angry." I thought aloud.

Rowan nodded.

I'm not sure she's listening, she's busy on her phone.

"I knew I've seen this place before." She mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

She looked as if she were about to show me her phone when Hailey came out.

"Hey. I figured out why the picture looked familiar." Rowan said showing her phone to us both now.

"Look." She said as she scrolled.

A new picture showed up.

Elisia and her parents.

They look so happy.

She looks so different.

Now she could be dead.

"It's the blue mailbox." Rowan said as I spotted it.

"Elisia's house before the fire?" Hailey asked.

"Before and after the fire." Rowan scrolled between the two photos.

We began walking down the street towards school.

"Does he want us to go there or something?" Hailey asked.

"I'm not sure. He wants us to pay attention to that family photo. That's for sure." Rowan answered.

Hailey looked at me.

"People are gonna stare at you today." She commented.

"Not looking forward to that." I mumbled.

Hailey looked at her screen.

"Eighty hours left." She announced how much time was left of the timer.

"What do you think is gonna happen when that timer runs out?" I asked them.

Rowan looked at me.

She looked as scared as I felt.

"We have to find Elisia before then." Rowan said firmly.

I nodded.

Suddenly Rowan stopped walking.

I stopped with her.

Hailey looked back at us.

Rowan pulled a small baggy out of her pocket.


I recognize the type of baggy.

They are a few dealers around here but the only one who uses a small ziplock bag is Ash.

I knew him through Jensen.

"Whose pills are these?" Rowan asked Hailey.

That's Hailey's sweater.

"I-I don't know. They're not mine." Hailey blurted out.

"Nikki?" I suggested with a raised brow.

"Figures." Rowan huffed.

She started walking again.

I followed behind her.

"They're not Nikki's." Hailey defended.

"Then whose?" Rowan asked looking at the baggy.

"They're Brie's." Hailey admitted.


Does Rowan's sister have a drug problem?

Rowan stopped walking again obviously shocked.

"My sisters?" She asked.

"Yeah. She said she wanted some and I know some people." Hailey shrugged.

"I should probably bring them to her." She reached for the baggy and Rowan held it away.

"No. No. It's cool. I got them." Rowan said.

Hailey nodded.

I'm sure Brie is gonna hear a lot about those pills.

Though I'm not so sure they're hers.

"We should hurry." I said trying to break the tension.

Rowan nodded and we all began walking again.

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