The woman's voice came out sharp as she could not take it anymore.

"Why are you saying these things? What answer do you want? Should I just keep sighing until you're done?"

The man, who had been staring only forward before, finally turned his eyes towards the woman. An expression full of conviction. His gaze did not waver.

"It is extremely pitiful. We, who were once so hot, eventually ended up in a relationship which is far from warm - not quite lukewarm nor cold, but of a temperature only ambiguous enough to sting."

Five years.
The time the two of them had been together.

Thrill became familiarity, familiarity became comfort, comfort became boredom, boredom became annoyance, and once again there is little time left until it becomes hate.

By the end of the man's words, the car came to an abrupt halt.

They had arrived at their destination. At that moment, living in the same neighborhood turned from the best dating scenario to the worst breakup situation.

"When we were at our peak, we could not understand other people who did not get over the period of ennui and broke up. But we are no different. Should I say it honestly? Our situation is even more serious. We are so tired of each other that we cannot even bother to try and make our relationship lively and joyful again, are we not?"

"Just skip to the ending. My head hurts."

The woman searched inside her purse and pulled out some headache medicine.

"Now we shall break up due to the same reason as them."

The woman gave no answer. She only grasped the pill case firmly.

Upon glancing at the woman's state, the man carried on speaking.

"Do not force yourself to cry."

The woman pushed two tablets in with water.

"You couldn't make me cry."

As if the first two were not enough, the woman swallowed one more pill without any water, as she answered.

"We will stop fronting over who will be the first to say goodbye, and let each of us go our own separate way now. Lastly, I will whistle that tune you used to like. We will get out of the car going in opposite directions, and when you cannot hear that melancholic whistle anymore, then our relationship will be definitely over.

With her headache blasting, the woman slowly lowered her head to rest on the steering wheel and did not move.

The man closed his mouth firmly shut as well and did not say any more strange things.

"You bloody romanticist······."
The woman's whispered.

How much the time passes.

The woman said as she raised her head and slowly took out the ringer on her fourth finger.

That ring was a gift from the man for their first anniversary when they swore their eternal love to each other.


"Get out. Go by your way like you said."

The man tried to say something before closing his mouth and opened the car door.

On a whim-
"Take care."

As the man left the car and went his way, the woman simply watched his retreating backside.

Five years.
The time the two of them had been together just disappeared within seconds with just two words, "take care".

Love is a clown changing its mask many times who had ample time to play with those two human souls, but a simple "Take care" was enough to make 5 years relationship to disappear, those words are too short to settle such a period of time.

As such, she could do nothing but watch his back through the car window, because if she would have gone after him, grab his hand roughly and turn him around, the moment their gazes met, she would see nothing but conviction in his steady eyes. She knew in her heart that the memories of their moments together, falling as tears from her eyes, would not be able to change his mind.

She would not be able to read his thoughts by simply looking into his eyes, either, because even though five years together gave them little psychic abilities. She knew, even that was useless at that very moment.

A quiet street at night. The sound of a whistle was heard even if you tried not to listen.

Whether it was cold or dispirited, sad or delighted, it was unclear as the woman mumbled to herself with a chuckle.

"This whistle······ I'm speechless."

The woman used to love this sound that came from the man's puckered lips. The man sometimes used to whistle it to her when they were together after a long day. Nestled in his arms listening to it, pecking those round lips, she could forget about all the rest of the world. Those magical moments were there were only two of them, leaning on each other······.

She could still hear the sound of the whistle as the man walked in a slow pace, and so she hurried herself to press the button on the car radio to get herself out of their memories.

Doo- Doo-

A sound like a dial-up tone flowed out of the speakers and the woman leaned her body back on the seat, covering her face with both hands.

"Why, for God's sake······."
Women whispered, tearing .

Chapter End Notes:

I've forgotten the meaning of 'I love you'

I love you I love you.

Chapter Prologue:

Even if i look at you again,
I don't feel anything anymore.
Even if i hold your hand,
I don't feel butterflies anymore.

Time passes tediously,
Yeah, for some time i've felt myself growing paralyzed by how sick and tired i feel.
Whenever i'm with you,
I can feel us growing further and further apart.

As soon as we meet i try to read you
to figure out when we'll be parting
You know it, too
this isn't love, but a burden, right.
yeah, it's time for us to break up,
there's no truth by our side anymore.
Now you and i have become
just something less than friends.

I can't look into your eyes,
I don't want to lie anymore.
I've erased the meaning of the words, "i love you,"
i love you, i love you,

Even if i look at you again,
I don't feel anything anymore.
Even if i hold your hand,
I don't feel butterflies anymore.


💌 For today I'll share "Excuse Me Miss" the performance which was beyond the vocals and dance.

                 Jjong's and Lim Kim "No More".

Good Night, Today too rest well❤

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