Hiei X Ryoka

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This was a drawing for the Lover's contest held by cutebots on deviant art Ryoka {c} meHiei {c} Yoshihiro Togashi

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This was a drawing for the Lover's contest held by cutebots on deviant art
Ryoka {c} me
Hiei {c} Yoshihiro Togashi

Backstory for the picture

Ryoka was sitting at the bar waiting for the others to arrive but in the mean while she had a few glasses of whiskey. When Hiei and the others finally got there she could have swore there were three of all of them but Hiei was the only one she was worried about. When she stood up she about fell but she was pissed she had been sitting there for an 1 and a half. When she reached Hiei she pulled his scarf off as the cloak fell she used her nail to scratch his cheek "What the heck took you so long I've been waiting for an hour." Before Hiei could answer Ryoka had pulled the scarf to cover their lips and kissed him. "Looks like your girls drunk" Yusuke said laughing. "Happy valentines day you three eyed freak" she said as she pulled away.

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