Chapter Nine: Party At Hayvenhurst

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Michael POV

I was helping Prince pack his stuff before he left for Paisley Park. He was throwing most of his clothes into his suitcase. While I neatly folded them, I don't know how Prince can do that, it bothers me so much when people don't fold their clothes.

"Hey Mike, do you wanna....ya' know.....mess around before I leave." Prince seduced.

"No not right now, I'm not ready." I explained. He gave me puppy dog eyes, that's not working on me.

"Please, we can take it slow." He pleaded. I rolled my eyes.

"No. Prince, there are other people here." I glared.

"We can be quiet..." Prince said. He's going to keep bothering me, I know it.

"Fine, but we have to quick." I whispered.

"Ok, now get over here." Prince responded. I stepped around the suitcase and faced him. He looked me in the eyes seductively. Prince kissed me on the lips, inching his hands around my waist.

"Oh I love you so much." He moaned.

"I love you too, princess." I responded. Prince kissed my jawline, kissing all the way down to my neck. He sucked and bit me, leaving love bites that I'll have to cover up later. Princes kissing and sucking felt so nice. A few moans escaped my lips and his. Prince suddenly picked me up. Wow he's so small how can he do that? He carried me over to the bed and plopped me down.

Marcy POV

I washed the dishes vigorously, I almost rubbed my hands raw. My attention was pulled away from the dishes so the noises coming from the hallway. Moans? I walked over to the hallway, where the bedrooms where. I knew it had to be them in there. I couldn't believe they were having sex while I wasn't even more than two rooms over, disgusting.

I was the one on laundry duty today, I gagged at the thought of having to to clean the sheets. A knock startled me out of my thoughts, who's here? I walked over to the front door and opened it wide. Janet Jackson was standing there. I jumped a bit, Not expecting her to be there.

"Hello!" Janet greeted, she leaned in a gave me a giant bear hug, just like her brother. She walked inside while I shut the door.

"Hi Janny, I didn't know you were coming!" I responded.

"I wanted to surprise Applehead, M love." She explained. We gave each other pet names a few years ago. Janets is, Janny, and mine is, M love.

"Ok." I said. We walked over to the couch, sat down and chatted. Prince strutted into the living room, with a very satisfied smile on his face. I looked over at Janet, she had a confused look plastered on her face.

"Oh yeah, he's here too." I whispered, keeping my eye on Prince. He walked out the front door, closed it and left. Huh? Michael walked into the room.

"That was the best sex I've ever had!" He exclaimed.

Michael POV

I looked over at Marcy, her face was turning red. She burst out laughing, I gave her a confused look. Marcy pointed next to her......Janet. Janet was sitting right next to her, she had a horrified look engraved on her face. Oh Lord, I'm never gonna hear the end of this.

"U-uh, I c-c-can explain." I stuttered.

"You f*cked Prince?!" Janet said in disbelief. Oh jesus....again but this time it was more in shock.

"Oh my god.." She muttered. "I thought I was the one that would f*ck Prince, defiantly not you."

"Well um, are cool with me dating him....and the whole guy thing?" I asked, Oh please say yes!

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