Chapter Eight: Piercing Your Ears 101

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Michael POV

*About a month later, August*

Prince and I started dating that night. Everything went just as planned, well at least Prince said that. We've been chatting on the phone and stuff like that, and no one has found out about this! Let's just keep it that way.

I was sitting in my library, reading Matilda by Rhonald Daul. The fire place had a nice fire in it, projecting a warm glow around the room. Hmmm, I'm gonna call my little Princess, and ask him to come over. I put my book down and shuffled over to the fire. I poured a bucket of water that was sitting next to it. The fire made a small hissing noise as I extinguished it. I walked out of the room, and to the kitchen. I headed over to the phone, and diled Princes number.

It rang a few times before Prince picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Prince greeted.

"Hi!" I responded.

"Why did ya' call me?" He questioned.

"To ask if you wanted to come over." I stated.

"Okay, I'll come over. I don't have anything to do." He responded. Yes!

"Good, bye-bye Princess." I said.

"Bye, Glitter Gloves." Prince said. I hung up the phone and strolled over to the fridge. I opened it and searched it for something good to eat. Blueberries, eh. Leftover spaghetti, nasty. Strawberries, ooh that sounds good. I grabbed the box of strawberries and placed it on the counter. I closed the fridge. I picked the berries up and placed them on a plate. I walked over to the kitchen island and sat down. I shoved a strawberries in my mouth. A tune popped into my head.

You are the king of the hill.....Every solider dies in his glory! I ate a few more berries, until I heard the front door fly open. That caused me to choke on a strawberry. Marcy stood in the door way, she turned around and closed the door. She bolted over to me and plopped herself next to me. Marcy looked extremely happy, she had a huge smile plastered all over her face.

"You almost made me choke!" I exclaimed. She waved her hand in front of her face.

"You'll do much more choking after I tell you the news!" She said, giddy with excitement. I leaned in closer to her.

"What." I said with anxiety filling my voice.

"I'm pregnant!" She said, clapping her hand together. The strawberry I just ate got lodged in my throat again. I started coughing really bad. She patted my back, well more like pounding. After a few more unbearable minutes of choking I swallowed the berry.

"Oh my god when did you find out?! And who's the baby daddy!? Do you have a spouse?!" I interrogated.

"No I do not have a baby daddy, I went through a sperm donor. I'm two months pregnant." She declared.

"Oh my Lord I didn't even notice." I said. I looked at Marcys stomach a little closer, she did have a baby bump!

"Can I touch your belly!" I said, excitedly.

"Sure." Marcy said. My hand rubbed her stomach, she seemed very happy.

"I can't believe there's life inside of you, it's just so wonderful, how you can support life." I said, quietly. She laughed and touched her stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked. She sighed.

"I wanted to know if the baby was really healthy before I told you. I knew you were going to freak out like this." Marcy explained.

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