Chapter Two: Madison Square Garden

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*Michaels POV*

Ugh, I really have to use the bathroom. But I don't want to get up. This bed is too comfey. My eyes fluttered open, to find that my room was still dark. My bladder was not going to coperate so I sat up and booked it to the bathroom. I used the bathroom real quick, and went over to my suitcase. Purple shirt, CTE purple shirt, or a red shirt. I dunno why I packed a lot of purple, but I wear red to much so i'm going to wear the purple CTE shirt. I shuffled through my bag and found some yellow socks. After I put the socks on I got my lofers on. My lofers, oooh I need some new ones, they almost have holes on the bottom. I'm not getting new ones any time soon, I broke these in just right. I walked over to the mirror and picked up my brush. My long curly hair was being tamed by the brush I brought, but my sudden realization of me not bringing my make up disturbed that. Quickly I pulled my hair into a bun leaving some strands around my face, then running off to my bag to check if I was right. I was right. No make up, just great! I'm guessing I left at Neverland, when that bitch was there. She better not have used any of it, or messed with it. Uhh. So, my fedora and surgical mask, will have to be good enough. Thats gonna be easy to eat in. I looked over at the clock by the side of my bed. 5:30am. I bet no one is awake, so I don't have to wear the mask, but i'm still fricking pissed about my make up. I grabbed my room keys and headedd down to breakfast, I passed a few random people on my way down. The first person was some lady who didn't realize it was me at first but then took a second look... Then she screamed. I turned around and gave her a quick hug and she almost passed out in my arms. I helped her back to her room because she obviously couldn't make it back without falling. I gave her another hug and pushed her into her room. Then I strolled down the hallway and got to the elavator, someone was already standing there. I really really hope he doesn't freak out in the elavator, that could end badly. The guy switched his weight from foot to foot, he looked about 40 years old. His hair was combed over, hiding a bald spot.

"How was your morning" the guy spoke with a heavy brooklin acsent.

"Not that great, I lost my make up." I responded. He looked really confused for a second, until I started humming Billie Jean. Then he had the realization of who I was. He snapped his head twords me and I looked twords him.

"Wait.....WHAT?" He said to loud for my comfort. Then he stumbled backwards into a trashcan. I helped him up, he took my hand reluctanly. He stood up and staired at me until the elavator dinged. I stepped inside and pressed the lobby button. The middle adged guy stepped in and did nothing.

"Do you need to press a button?" I asked, I was not in the mood for a star struck person. My body guards weren't here to protect me, if this guy went balistic.

"No nO, I doN'T HavE tOO." The guy said with his voice breaking with every word. The doors closed and a few seconds went by and the doors opened back up and I walked out. Leaving the star struck middle aged dude in the elavator. I made my way to the breakfast hall. Bill wasn't down here yet so I choose a table that had only one seat, guessing that he won't be down here for a while. A waiter comes out of the kitchen, with a menu in his hands. He spots me sitting be myself, and he heads over.

"Hello sir, how may I take your order?" They waiter asks, politely. I look down at my menu, that the guy handed me.

"Uhhh, I think I need some more time." I said quietly.

"Sure thing sir." He said as he walked away back to the kitchen. That guy kept his No one ever does that. He didn't even break a sweat. I have some admeration for that guy. A few minutes later I had decided what I wanted. Pancakes, and orange juice. The guy walked out of the kitchen, talking with one of his fellow coworkers. I waved him down. He looked cool and calm walking over to my table.

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