Chapter Seventeen

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Archie texts Veronica the address of the motel, where the serpent, Mustang, supposedly lives.

She meets them there and the teens follow Joaquin up the stairs. Joaquin knocks on the door, but there was no answer. They all make their way into the room.

"This Place is a pigsty." Scarlett whispers to Veronica.

Archie ventures further into the room and stops at the bathroom gasping. They all rush to see what's happening and there he was. The serpent, laying in a tub, dead. A needle stuck out of his arm.

"I can't be here." Joaquin says looking to his boyfriend.

"Yeah no me either!" Scarlett backs away

"Okay." Kevin says as he follows behind Scarlett and Joaquin leaving the room. "Call my dad." Kevin yells to Archie and Veronica.

The three of them leave. Kevin drops Scarlett off at her home and she waits till the couple is out of view to get into her car and leave.

Scarlett makes her way to the station.

When she gets there she signs a fake name at the reception desk and goes into the back to see Fp.

As she opens the door the mans head shoots up as he sits on a bed in the cell.

"Hey.." Scarlett says approaching the man.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was cold

"I came to see you."

"Why would you do that?"

Scarlett laughs slightly thinking he's joking
"Babe. Stop, this isn't funny."

"None of this is funny." He shoots back. "When were you planning on telling me about your father being a cop?"

"I didn't think it was important." Scarlett spoke low

"Well it is. It's very important." His voice rose.

They went quiet and she pondered amongst her thoughts.

"I know you didn't do it."

"Why would I confess to a crime I didn't commit?" He shot back

"I don't know.. you tell me." She crosses her arms.

"This is business you don't need to be involved in princess. Don't go looking for answers no one wants to know." Fp spike sternly standing up leaning against the bars.

"If it'll get you out of here I'll do whatever I please."

"You're stubborn." He smirks

"And you're an idiot." She steps closer and reaches into the cell putting her hand on his face

Fp chuckles then loses his smile quickly

"You should go"

"Can I have a kiss before I do?" She caresses the mans stubble.

Fp thought about then leaned in as she did the same. He kisses her softly and she pulls away after a minute.

"What?" He looks at her with a raised brow

"I need to tell you something.." she pulls her hand away

"What about?"

"I..I.. something happened.." Scarlett stopped rethinking what she was about to tell him

"Spit it out."

"Archie told me how you used your one call to get ahold of Joaquin."

"Oh did he now." Fp steps back getting cold.

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