"You look prettier" I said, showering her with kisses. She laughed, trying to push me away. I know she was 14 and too grown for my kisses but I didn't car.

"No I don't. I hate dresses" A pout formed on her lips as she tugged at the fabric.

My daughter was a carbon copy of me. She hated dresses and insisted on wearing flannels and anything black. It didn't matter what form the black clothing came in. As long as it was black, she would wear the shiniest and blinding frock with a satisfied grin on her beautiful face.

What can I say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Shall we go?"

Harry appeared at the door in a black suit and his flashy crown.

"Yes, just wait a second" I said, clutching the small tiara. I gently placed it on Blair's head and then slipped on my golden, jewel-studded one. All of the crowns were heavy but nonetheless we wore them with pride.

"Ready" I smiled and clutched Blair's hand, tugging her down the hall to the large mahogany doors.


The shouts from below and the loud chants didn't alarm my daughter. In fact, it only made her more excited.

"Mum, look it's my friends." She screamed as she tugged excitedly on my jacket. I laughed and looked down, seeing her school mates waving and jumping in their seat at the sight of a fellow classmate on the stand.

"Blair" They chanted and she waved excitedly, a bright smile dancing across her plump lips.

She beamed as I steered her body to stand next to me instead of her father and step onto the podium. Harry stayed back with the guards as I spoke into the microphone.

"Sunshine Territory" I said. The crowd let out an uproar and Blair giggled. I kissed her cheek and helped her onto a taller stool, so the entire kingdom could witness my perfect angel. She blew kisses to the crowd like the attention-lover she was. I glanced at Harry and he rolled his eyes with a tiny smirk on his face, absolutely in awe of our daughter. I laughed and kissed Blair's cheek before lowering her body to the polished floor and allowing Harry to take care of her.

"I have so much to say" I beamed.


"Thank you, my kingdom" I waved to the crowd, signalling the end of my speech. They roared with cheers and support and I grinned. This is something I would never forget. It was like a blanket of love and support, that is flung at me whenever i am apprised of my kingdom. It was refreshing and pleasant to see that so many cared for myself and my family.

Blair and Harry both clutched my hand as we all waved, expressing our thanks and gratitude. We gracefully bowed and turned to head inside when a loud bang caused Harry to throw his body over us like a catapult and knock us to the ground.

A gunshot flew through the air and pierced the guard to my left. Blair screamed and Harry cradled her, covering her ears as he winced at the feeling of being concussed. My vision blurred due to my frantic behaviour and the concussion grenade. I clutched Blair, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I heard a familiar cry and a wet substance seep into the fabric of my dress and smear all over my thigh. My eyes shot open as I witnessed my daughter writhing in pain. Before I could snap out of the daze I was trapped in, Blair was suddenly snatched from my grasp. My mind shut off and all I could do was scream. My voice clawed at my throat as I let out a spine rattling screech. Warm hands pulled me through the mahogany doors but I couldn't stop. I couldn't get a hold of myself until I got to feel my baby back in my arms.

"Aria, Aria" Harry's voice rang in my ears and I was forced to look up at his frantic expression.

I imagined my eyes were bloodshot and my cheeks stained by my tears. I didn't remember crying or my nose dripping with clear fluid until the substance licked my lips and made me taste its salty nature.

"Medic!!" I heard Harry yell out. I finally snapped out of the panicked stupor I struggled to shake and my eyes lay on my little fighter lying feeble in her father's arms. With every bit of the strength I could gather, I crawled across the carpet to her. I placed my shaky fingers on her rosy cheeks, watching her chest rise and fall with every short breath she took. I knew she was trying to stay awake because that's what we taught her. We prepared her for the day she would be shot but we always imagined it would be when she was older, but alas we underestimated our enemies. Whoever they were.

When the doctors emerged, I was gently dragged away from my daughter. My arms retracted from my body to touch her hand but I couldn't. A person, who I imagine was Harry, cradled me in his arms, desperately whispering words in an attempt to soothe me. But I took no notice to them. I felt numb and the terrifying but calming feeling of my body shutting down.

It was first my legs which went limp and then my hips, all the way up to my eyes which gracefully closed as I slipped from my tense and fearful reality.

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