Chapter 80

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...and I present you... THE FINAL CHAPTER.

Mark: Aw Jack's still asleep and I was just thinking

Mark: Like imagine if we never made this group chat

Dan: I made the group chat

Dan: All creds to me thank

Mark: Okay

Mark: But seriously. Without this stupid chat, I wouldn't have as many friends and I wouldn't have a boyfriend which is cool

Ethan: What got you so sentimental

Ethan: it's sickening

Dan: Like your channel

Ethan: very funny

Mark: I love you all honestly

Mark: As cheesy as that is

Phil: I'm lactose intolerant

Mark: Okay I won't ever try to be nice again. No one appreciates it

Tyler: I appreciate it

Mark: No one else does

Felix: I do

Felix: Even if I made a bad start to our friendship markimoo

Mark: Aw thanks Felix

Mark: Sorry for assuming things and stuff

Felix: it's cool

Felix: You're cool

Mark: So are you

Mark: All of you are cool

Mark: This chat is cool

Felix: I need to go because ya boi's got a date


Mark: See ya

Mark: I'm glad we made it though

Jack: Ew Mark what are you on

Mark: Ah he's awake

Jack: Because your phone was so bright it woke me up

Mark: it's one in the afternoon???

Jack: Yeah and

Jack: it's probably 4 in the morning somewhere

Jack: So let me sleep

Mark: Get up you idiot

Jack: Why should I

Mark: Because I'm asking you to

Ethan: Domestic

Dan: Ah good ol' domestics

Felix: Jack get up

Jack: Fine

Dan: Do you remember broccoliboii

Jack: Do you remember BritishCrumpet

Jack: What's next

Jack: AmericanWaffle

Tyler: Do you remember Wolfboii

Ethan: Hell yeah

Mark: Jack's actually getting up and I feel inclined to cook the potato some food

Jack: Aw thanks idiot

Mark: No problem broccoli boi

Dan: This is love




Dan: Is that McFly

Phil: Ye

Dan: Does anyone even listen to them anymore

Tyler: No

Dan: We should bring them back


Dan: Phil do you want to go out for lunch


Dan: Pancakes shouldn't be for lunch but sure

Ethan: Nice

Ethan: I want pancakes

Charlie: I'll make you some because I want some too

Tyler: Then there's me

Tyler: R.I.P

Tyler: back to being sentimental.

Tyler: This chat has witnessed couples getting together, along with domestics and amazing friendships. It's been full of laughter and drama and smiles. We're lucky to have each other and I appreciate you all so much. I'm so glad I was allowed to join this chat.

Ethan: Go get yourself some pancakes Tyler

Tyler: Okay

And that's a wrap!! Thank you so much for reading this book because it means the world to me. This was only meant to be a big joke but then loads of people actually read it and I got 12k. (Seriously don't you have better things to do with your life??)

Expect a new book reasonably soon. I'm working on a couple. One is called 'Citrus' and the other 'I Just Want To Be Someone' both are Voltron fics!! And both are really sad!!

I hope you have an awesome day today and that you're happy! You deserve happiness :)

Love At First Text. Phan/Septiplier AUWhere stories live. Discover now