Chapter 57

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Ethan: Can I ask y'all something

Phil: Sure

Dan: So he's allowed to say y'all? That's hardly fair

Phil: well he's a real American Dan

(BritishCrumpet changed his name to AmeriDan)

Dan: y'all

Phil: Can I block you

Dan: I dare you

Ethan: Hello

Ethan: I had a question

Mark: I maybe have an answer

Ethan: How did you guys know you liked each other

Dan: You think you got feelings for Tyler?

Ethan: Dan no

Ethan: Just stop

Ethan: I don't think you realise just how uncomfortable you make me when you joke about that

Dan: Oh sorry

Dan: It's just a joke

Ethan: Please answer my question

Mark: Well Jack was drunk when he first admitted his feelings to me and that made me think a lot. I couldn't get him off of my mind and as much as I tried to deny it it wouldn't go away

Mark: So I did what anyone would do and flew to England and told him

Ethan: As you do...

Mark: Yeah

Dan: And I realised I liked Phil when I started to think about him weirdly. Like I'd think damn he looks good in that shirt and stuff like that. Full homo, even if I wouldn't admit it

Phil: Aw Dan <3

Ethan: Maybe I'm a little homo

Dan: ...I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable but I'm just asking

Dan: ...For Tyler?

Ethan: If I did I wouldn't say because HE IS IN THIS CHAT

Ethan: But no

Ethan: There's someone else

Ethan: I've known him for a long time

Ethan: So it's weird that I've just suddenly... feeling things for him... maybe

Ethan: I haven't liked anyone in a long time? I don't even remember liking many people haha

Ethan: I'm always alone

Dan: Aw

Dan: What's his name

Ethan: Charlie

Dan: Chethan

Dan: New OTP

Ethan: I have no chance though haha he's in a relationship

Dan: That sucks

Dan: Tyler send Ethan ice cream

Tyler: Okay

Ethan: Guys it's fine

Ethan: I think he's cute that's all

Phil: You'll find somebody

Ethan: Nah I'll die alone

Ethan: I don't mind that though

Dan: Aw

Dan: You'll always have us

Phil: Dan? Being sweet? More likely than you think

Dan: -.-

Dan: This is why I'm usually just a sarcastic fuck

Potential spoilers (?)

Charlie will be added to the chat but I need a username for him. Any ideas?

Love At First Text. Phan/Septiplier AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora