Chapter 50

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50th chapter! *pops party popper*

Jack: Today is the day we part my love

Jack: I will miss you bb

Jack: For you were my life

Jack: All the memories we shared

Jack: All those times you were there for me

Dan: This is the group chat

Jack: I know

Jack: I am sincerely distraught that we need to split up

Jack: I love you

Jack: With all my heart

Mark: What

Mark: You're just sitting next to me hugging your phone like it was your child or something

Mark: ??

Mark: Are you taking drugs again? I thought I told you to stop

Phil: aGaIn?? 0_o

Jack: *whispers dramatically* 4:20... blaze it... *wipes tear*

Jack: so this is it, huh?

Jack: No

Jack: not the apocalypse

Jack: Yes that was an Imagine Dragons reference (because the author loves Imagine Dragons)

Jack: oh all those times we listened to music together

Jack: I'll miss that

Jack: I'll miss everything we had

Jack: even though I'm going to replace you

Tyler: Did you and Mark break up again?

Mark: Not that I know of?

Jack: Goodbye, my love

Dan: Definitely high

Dan: Or drunk

Dan: I mean he is Irish

Jack: If one can be high or drunk on grief and sadness then yes I am high on that shit. High as the tallest mountain.

Ethan: wtf did I just wake up to

Mark: Who knows

Mark: Jack who are you parting with?

Jack: My love

Jack: I'm getting a new phone

Phil: I was actually worried for a sec

Mark: Me too

Mark: What a nerd

Dan: Why are you dating him?

Mark: I don't even know at this point

Love At First Text. Phan/Septiplier AUWhere stories live. Discover now