Book of Randomness!

Mulai dari awal

Aluri: *stops singing* uhh.... (⌒-⌒;)

Caesar: *walks out slowly* I'll just ask BEN...

5. You heard what they said, but didn't listen to what they said


Jeff the Killer: *staring expectantly at

Aluri: oh. uhh... What? ('・▽・')

Jeff: *facepalms* (/.-)

Caesar: he asked you what knives you recommend *also facepalms* (/.-)

Aluri: oh. In that case, I made a website :3

Jeff: yussss!! :D

6. Your in an elevator with a lot of people and everybody is quiet


Aluri: *walks in elevator but Jeff, Slender, Ticci Toby, Caesar, and BEN are already in there*

Everybody: ...

Caesar: so... e_o

Ticci Toby: uhh, this is my floor *gets off*

Slender: err, any ideas for the mansion...? It could use some remodel- okay you know what?! *gets out*

Everybody else: okay... bye (•_•)/

7. Your staring at someone, not because you have a crush on them, but because your bored


Aluri: *bored so she stares at Caesar*

Caesar: *notices* hehehe (ô▽ô)

Aluri: what?

Caesar: *smirks* hee hee

Aluri: oh. Seriously? (¬_¬)

Caesar: *sings* you know you want meh~

Aluri: *tries to not barf* (>人<;;)



Aluri: *changing in her room*

Slenderman: *walls in* hey Insane, do you- AHHH MY EYES!! *covers "eyes"* >///<

Aluri: *screams and covers herself with blanket* YOU DON'T HAVE EYES!!!

Slender: *runs out* WHATEVER!!

Aluri: *closes door* -///-

Caesar: *walks in*

Aluri: *still covered with blanket* I'm changing -.-

Caesar: *smirks* I know.

Aluri: PERV!!! *throws knife and stabs him in the chest*

( ò///ó)/🔪 (^_^;;)


9. You want to start a conversation but you don't know what to say


Aluri: Thoughts: what should I say? Should I ask about his knife collection? Or... his opinion on the website I made? Or-

Jeff: *coughs awkwardly* uhh...

Aluri: so... what about the airplane food thi- okay never mind *walks away*

Jeff: okay... -_-

10. You say something In your head, but it turns out you said it out loud


Aluri: *hears Caesar singing in his room and hides so he doesn't see her*

Caesar: *randomly rolling on the floor while randomly singing* this is gunna be the best of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-i-ife.

Aluri: Wow. He actually sings good. I better keep hiding so he doesn't see me, though...

Caesar: *looks to where Aluri's hiding* wha- HEY!!

Aluri: oh. Did I say that out loud...?

Caesar: *chases her around the mansion* GRRR!!!

Aluri: *yells to the Creepypasta's she passes* JEFF, SLENDY, BEN, ANYONE HEEELLPPPP!!

11. Your having a little emotional moment, and somebody walks in


Aluri: *watching "Silence is Love: Thai Life Insurance" on YouTube and starts to cry* WHAAAA!!! HER FATHER JUST WANTED THE BEST FOR HER!!!

Caesar: *walks in* ...what's up with you?

Aluri: WATCH THIS VIDEO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!! *shoves face in front of laptop and replays video*


Caesar and Aluri: *crying* WHAAAAAHHHH!!! (TTOTT)

Caesar: pass the tissues D':

Aluri: *nods and gives box* )':

Caesar: *blows nose rather loudly*

Slender: *walks in* guys, I- oh great... now what?

((It's so sad, seriously watch it!! TT^TT))

12. Somebody's teaching you how baby's are made and your sitting next to someone the opposite gender

Slenderman: great! You're all here. Today, I'm going to teach you where baby's come from! (^_^)/

Aluri: *sitting in the middle of Jeff and Caesar* (-///-) (0_0;;) (ôωô)

Caesar: hehehehehe (perverted laugh)

Aluri: *grabs Jeff's knife and stabs Caesar in the chest again* PERV!!

Caesar: again, I regret nothing X_X


Aluri: that's all the awkward things I could think of! *whispers* and you might of figured out Caesar is a perverted weirdo...

Caesar: hey! I heard that!!

Aluri: whatever. So next chapter I'm going to do a "Things To Do If You Turn Into A Warrior Cat"

Caesar: and sorry if your not familiar with Warriors

Aluri: yup. So see ya next chappie!! \(^▽^)/

Clink!~ o( ^ω^)o∀*∀o(^ω^ )o

Book of Randomness!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang