1. Emptiness

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Tae-hyung raised one eyelid with his head still resting on his pillow. One arm was stretched over the empty side of the bed. When he became aware no one was lying beside him, reality sunk in. It was another day he had to live without his beautiful wife. The love of his life was gone, never to return. Two years tomorrow exactly, when he was robbed of his blissful life with Lyric and their unborn baby. Tae-Hyung's eyes instantly filled with tears when the emptiness of being alone enveloped him. Gone were the two he cherished most.

He knew at this moment, his destiny was to live the rest of his life alone. There could never be a time where he could trust love again. Love would eventually become a distant memory and his heart would turn to ice.

Why was life so cruel to him? Tae-hyung always lead a clean and honest life. He always thought of other people first and would help anyone who needed it. He was always very grateful for his life and he loved with purity and integrity. How could the core of his heart been stolen from him. Lyric and he were going to be parents for the first time. They had an abundance of love and nurture they were excited to give to their baby. Why did this most painful tragedy have to occur? It made no sense.

Lyric was only ten weeks along in her pregnancy when she wanted to surprise Tae-hyung in Chicago. They had already been apart for one very long month since Bangtan's World Tour had started.

Lyric missed Tae terribly and decided to fly across the globe to be with him. She thought of how happy he was going to be to see her. She was unaware of the drastic change that was about to take place. A change that would shatter their perfect world.

No one could have predicted a storm to have manifested out of nowhere. Within moments the visibility went from clear skies to dense fog and heavy precipitation. There was nothing that could be done to save the doomed aircraft.

The plane was a mere ten minutes away from O'Hare International Airport when heavy turbulence took over, making it an inevitable outcome. The powerful craft came crashing down in an open field and flames combusted instantaneously. Minutes later there was a deadly explosion which took place, killing everyone aboard the flight. And what was worst for Tae was it took the lives of his beloved Lyric and their unborn baby.

There was no point of a rescue team because there was no chance of survivors. The flames engulfed the entire plane too quickly.

Tae-hyung didn't find out Lyric was a passenger until the next morning when two federal agents and a counselor woke him from a sound sleep. It was the day Tae-hyung changed. It was when he appeared stoic to everyone while keeping his pain hidden, only to release tiny amounts when he was alone.

He remembered looking at her engagement ring in one officer's hand as the officer asked him if he recognized it. He saw the infinity band with the diamond and sapphire circles and his heart stopped.

"It belongs to my wife. It's her engagement ring. How did you get it? My wife is at home in Korea. Is she OK? Is it the pregnancy? Did something happen to the baby? P-please, tell me where my wife is."

Tae-hyung dropped to his knees and snatched the ring from the officer's hand. He found it difficult to breathe and then the darkness enveloped him.

When Tae woke up, he was surrounded by Bangtan. Yoon-gi and Jeong-guk stood beside him. Tae-hyung noticed his brothers appeared teary eyed. Yoon-gi was sobbing silently. At a quick glance he noticed Ji-min bawling in the corner, curled up in a chair.

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