Chapter 14

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Rose's second year had started and she need to be honest, There's nothing special about this school year...

She'll be watching a Quidditch match, only because Slytherin's playing...

A Gryffindor vs Slytherin game...

I hate watching this Potter weirdo play... Rose sighed as she sat between Severus and Cissy.

"You should be there if you agreed to play last year, Rosie..." Cissy smirked.

"Not good with this game... Flying thing again? I can't even get it with the simple UP thing.." the young witch sighed.

"How come you made Slughorn convinced about you luck, anyway?" Severus suddenly asked.

"Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say 'Up!'"

"UP" everyone shouted.

Rose's broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did. Regulus had simply rolled over on the ground, and otherz hadn't moved at all.

Perhaps brooms, like horses, could tell when you were afraid, thought Rose thinking of Lily's words

There was a quaver in others voice that said only too clearly that he wanted to keep his feet on the ground.

Madam Hooch then showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, and walked up and down the rows correcting their grips. Rose wad delighted when she told Regulus he'd been doing it wrong for years.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle -- three -- two--"

Rose slightly kicked her's before Madame Hooch use her whistle.... She acted shocked and smirked internally when she finally make everyone think that her broom is 'moving on it's own'...

Soon, Rose raise her grip higher that made the broom rose higher to the ground and slowly started to take on action, making Rose looked like having a horse back ride to an angry bull...

"MS.EVANS TRY TO CONTROL THAT BROOM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" Hooch shouted running to get a broom.

Rose smirked in mid-air... With come unnoticed... And shouted, "I'M... TRYING.... MADAME.... HOOCH!!!!!!"

The flying instructor flew near Rose but Rose, or lets say her broom, flew directly out of the fields to the top of the astronomy tower then down again to the Ravenclaw tower then Gryffindor tower. Madame Hooch, who is still following the poor girl, sent a patronus to Minerva, Slughorn and Albus about what's bloody happening.

Once Minerva got Hooch's eagle patronus, she walk straight ahead to the fields, seeing up from above a flying at a 100km/hr broom being followed by Hooch's .

"Who is flying?" Minerva asked.

"Chasing or being chased?" Regulus Black asked

"5 points to Slytherin Mr.Black..." The rest of other Slytherins glared to Regulus.

"Rose Evans, Professor" a Ravenclaw spoke.

Minerva looked up, seeing that the two are almost down, "ALL OF YOU! CLEAR THIS GROUNDS NOW!" And with that, all the students run away with their lent brooms away to the field.

At this time, Slughorn just appeared to be there.

"Expecto Patronum!" The transfiguration professor casted, sending her cat patronus around Rose for some protection...

'Just like what had I planned...' Rose smirked finally landing straight to the ground, causing some cuts to her left arm... But no injuries or bruises caused by her professor's patronus.

"That's how my flying lessons ended!" Rose smiled.

Severus smirked, "Quite clever... You know everything will make a mess if you-"

"That's why I let my self have some cuts cause if I don't... Surely I'll take detention... Or maybe lose all our house points..." Rose interjected.

"You can take back all of them of you do... Your that clever to take everything you want..." Cissy laughed.

"No I don't... I'll just use that in need... Or maybe..." said Rose as she looked to the field, "Hey! The match's starting...."

The rest of the match came boring... Well... For Severus and Rose it is... (Narcissa's eyes are burned following Lucius)

"If we won, we'll have... How many points it is again?" Ask Severus.

"I don't know... I'm not that interested..."

"And Slytherin points!"

"Need to be honest... um... Your so Slytherin finding a way to escape Quidditch, Rose... But why don't you?" Severus asked.


"I'm more useful on academics... If I spent time practicing Quidditch, I might lose my reputation on professors..." Rose replied looking to the score board..



"I can see... I definitely agreed... You can't take two reputation at once..." Severus smiled.

"No..." Rose mumble.






"I just hate the sport..."



Loud cheers came across the Slytherins as the seeker snatched the snitch easily as the Ravenclaw seeker fell to the ground.

"Playing with Potter? No way!" Rose rolled her eyes.

Severus nod, looking towards the Gryffindors watching, he smiled to Lily as she clap (secretly).

Lily saw Severus talking to her sister as the Slytherin won, "Damn that's foul!" she heard James to her side groan.

"Chill up, mate" Remus tried to calm him.

Lily came skeptical as Severus turn to her and smiled, What are they talking about?


Another chapter... DONE!!!

I really do appreciate those who are reading this... *Again... I'm really betting for none...* and I know... My writing sucks.. Grammars are wrong and spelling as mispelled... English is not my first subject and I know I suck at that subject... I just don't know why all of my ideas are in english... Or why am I even using this language to my book preference and reference...

I felt sooo depressed telling this to you... And again... No one will be reading this so it's equivalent for no one knowing...

~Serein. B.L

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