Chapter 4

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Months had passed... Lily and Severus got their Hogwarts Letter... Petunia finding a freaking way to hate her sisters... And finding joy to the fact that Rose still haven't had her letter..

"I thought your a freak Rosie! What happened to your magic?" she teased the next morning after Lily got her letter.

"Shut it Tuney... You knew that little Rosie is not a freak" Lily mumble.

Rosie rolled her eyes, I knew Petunia meant for the two of us Lils...

"What are my little girls talking about?" Edward asked as he entered the living room. Carol is out for shopping stores and Edward is about to leave.

"Nothin' dad" Tuney and Lily said in unison.

Liars... Rose rolled her eyes secretly.

"Ok... Well I'll leave you three then... Wait for your mother and... Tuney" he called the eldest, "Take charge and behave"

Rose noticed a wild smirk across her sister's lips as she said "Ok... Dad... I thought the magic professor is coming-"

"-Your mom should be here at that time" their father interjected pecking each of their cheeks and bid his farewells and left the house.

More about five minutes of silence to the three, followed by Rose's sighed... Then Lily's sneeze... Petunia stood up, "Ok... Today we'll clean up the house!"

Lily looked at Petunia as if she do have a fever... Rose just yawn showing that her sister's plan didn't bothered her.

"Are you sick or anything?" Ask Lily to her jokingly.

"No... But remember that one of your professor's will be here for a visit... Meaning the cleanliness must be your first impression!" she said courageously

"Why did this thing even bothers me? The house is clean enough for the visitor... What do you want to do? Take all the things outside, demolish the house and make a new one?" Rose spat from her book.

"If that what we must then we must!" Petunia rolled her eyes. Convincing her youngest sister will be the hardest thing to do in her plan.

She knew Rose is more mature than who knows!?

"You know that Rosie... You shouldn't take things seriously... Reading books makes you terribly sarcastic!" Lily chuckled.

Rose rolled her eyes, I learned from your friend dunderhead! Privately calling her sister dunderhead secretly seemed to be Rose's hobby since she learned the word... Yes he also thought me that word... She can't believe that half of her current knowledge is now from the boy she met three and a three-fourth years ago.

"Seriously Rose! You must learn to respect elders!" Petunia mumble seriously *not a pun*

"Elders are about 60 above years old Tuney... I believe some one as a twelve years old sister is not an elder" Rose swaggingly said.

"Oh... Really? Ms.Evans..." A voice from the entrance said.

Petunia quickly looked as if someone tried to steal her three year savings.

Lily looked as if she'd been petrified and Rose looked calmly.

Green cloak... Tall... Tight bun... Pointed eyes... Old lady? Is that Professor Minerva Mcgonagall... The deputy headmistress and transfiguration professor of Hogwarts? Rose asked herself.

"Who- who are you?" Petunia asked. Getting ready to throw the vase to the side incase the old woman tried to do something.

Rose sighed, "No need to cause littering, Tuney... Professor Mcgonagall is not a serious threat... Maybe our visitor... Yes she is our visitor who'll be Lils' professor in the future"

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