Chapter 3

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Past few months were uneventful for Rose.... As Severus and Lily's friendship bloom... sending her sisters away to her.

Petunia showing signs of jealousy and Rose showing ignorance.

Since that day Rose healed his mother, Severus started to got a soft-sides on muggles... Such as Mr. and Mrs. Evans are good persons to him when Lily introduced him... Everyone in the Evanses are good and kind to him... Except to Petunia Evans.

Years had passed and his relation with the Evans made a strong friendship between Lily... And a loose relationship between Lily and her sisters.

"I read something from Rose's book... Something like.. Dem-entors? What are demen-tors?" Lily asked.

Severus chuckled, "Dementors... Well there's a wizarding prison as well... Where bad wizards ussually go.... There are dark, ghost-like figures called dementors... They are the guards of Azkaban"

"Oh.... Now I know... Well what do they-"

Lily was cutted by a scream and her sister, Petunia, fell on a bush at their side. "tu- tuney?"

Petunia stood up, looking at Severus, "What is that you wearing? Your mother's old shirt?"

Rose clearly heard it, as she is pretend to be reading a History of Magic book at the background.

She saw slight sadness on the boy's face as Petunia's insult took him. She knows that Petunia greatly disrespect Severus... And his mother.

And that's what she hate about her... Disrespectful and Jealousful prat..

Her eyes gone dark as she looked at the branch of the tree above Petunia... There where she tried to release her stress as Petunia continue to insult Severus.

Then suddenly...

The branch fell...

"Tuney!" Lily screamed as the branch hits her sister's left shoulder.

Severus quickly turned to Rose whose staring at him with an apolegetic look.

"You did it!" Lily mumble.

Severus turned to her, "Wh-what?"

"Why did you did it, Sev?" she asked trying to comfort her sobbing sister.

"I... I didn't... I-"

"-Then who else would?" the red head asked, standing up with her sister and walking away.

Leaving her best friend alone...

"But... I didn't..." Severus muttered

"I'm sorry.." Rose mumble from behind, "I'm very... very sorry..."

The boy turned to her, "Why are you apologizing? You didn't-"

"-I did... I'm a bit stress and angry about Petunia's behavior so I release all of them to the tree... Not thinking that I'm a witch... I'm very... very sorry... I shouldn't just be here when you two were playing..."

"No... It's fine... You should go home with your sisters you know... Lils might-"

"-No... It's not fine..." she mumble, "For sure Petunia will make alternate lies to make you away to Lily..."

"You really know her..." he smirked.

"Don't worry... I got a plan..." she sighed.

He move closer and hugged the youngest Evans awkwardly, "Stay yourself out of trouble please..."

"I... already am out of trouble... Now shall I walk you home... Um... Severus?" she smiled pulling back softly.

"No... I can by myself... How about you?" he asked.

She chuckle lightly, "I'm a 10 year old and not a Six years old petulant child Severus..... Near to be in your age... I did this many times a week so yes, I can"

"Bye Rosie..."

She turn to him and smiled, "Good bye... Sev..."


"What do you mean Severus tried to kill you by magic, Petunia?" Edward asked crossing his arms.

Petunua sobbed teribly, "D... Dad! He- he used m-magic on... m-me! H-he make t-the tree b-branch fell on me!"

"He can't... Tuney" Rose's words rang to the living room as the youngest Evans entered.

Lily, Petunia, Edward and Carol Evans both stared at her as she made a dramatic entrance and serious aura while holding her book of spells.

"That boy can't make magic unless he have a wand or he's trained enough to make wandless magic" she mumble.

"You saw her mother! Their both freaks! That boy's freaking mother taught him... m- magic and I'm-"

"She can't" Rose seriously mumble glaring at Petunia.

Lily gulped, stepping between their eyes and looking at Rose, "Wh-what do you mean, Mrs.Snape can't?"

Rose smirked, "That poor boy's mother is depressed and injured by his abusive father... She's so depressed that she can't even use simple healing magic to heal herself..."

"What about you and Lily are doing? Lily made flowers magically appear on her hand! You healed his mother's 'depression'! You don't even have any-"

"That's what we call Blooming... Magic inside us develops, making us unleash them without knowing or unleash them uncontrollably... Wands are accesories to control sudden unleash... Or a certification on the Ministry... At Se- the boy's case... His connected by the Ministry by his mother's maiden name, knowing that Prince family members certifies new heirs since birth" Rose interjected.

"Rose.. dear.." Believe it or not... Even Petunia is shocked by Rose's sudden outbreak... Knowing the youngest family member never defend somebody before... Except for three times she stops Petunia making lies about Severus Snape and now for the first time unleashing her knowledge and use them to defend a reputation to their family... And being concern to an issue... Carol and Edward can't even believe that since the boy went to their family, Rose became that a bit concern to the issues including the boy... Especially when it might lead to breaking something as friendship.

"Rose dear... You... may leave this room for now... Including you Lily... Me and Petunia need to speak for this problem" Carol sighed, breaking the long silence.

Edward sent the two girls outside the room and Lily to her room.

"Rose... We need to talk" he seriously said.

Lily bite her lip to prevent questions and walk to her room.

Rose sat to her ussual spot, near the bookshelf, and her father sitting facing her.

"Where did you found those informations?" he asked taking a deep breath.

She look at him straightly and mumble, "Ms. Prince gave me those books since her son is done reading them... I place the books on my room below my bed so it won't take space..."

Edward nod and sighed, "Ok... You are now dismissed"

It's very rare when Edward talked to Rose formally and privately since Rose is the most 'peaceful' girl anyone will meet. Her hobby is only reading books and there are alot of them to make her busy...

But on what everyone didn't know is that...

... this most peaceful girl is hiddeous... and dangerous....

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