Chapter 7 - August 2, 2017

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Warning: This chapter contains some violence. 

To a fan looking in on Jack's channel, August 3rd was a startlingly ordinary date. The Antisepticeye video seemed to appear like a hailstone from a blue sky.

And yet, there it was. Kill Jacksepticeye. In the video, Schneeplestein struggled to save Jack from increasingly disastrous medical issues in the game Bio Inc. Redemption while Anti slowly corrupted them both. The good doctor was unsuccessful, and the screen rippled with static as the YouTuber "died" for all to see. The seemingly victorious Antisepticeye took the screen instead, where at last he delivered a snarling soliloquy about control.

When it came to videos like that, even the egos had trouble discerning from what was real and what was just for the sake of the camera. But the audience only ever saw part of the story. 

What the audience didn't see was Schneeplestein's shaking hands as he waited outside Jack's recording studio. They didn't hear Anti's frustrated snarl as he realized that the doctor knew what was about to happen.

Anti knew Jack wasn't dead.

Even as he collapsed and his eyes fluttered shut, and Henrik's despairing wails reverberated through the apartment, Anti wasn't fooled. He knew Henrik would never go down that easily. So as the doctor lifted his unconscious friend into the car and sped off toward the clinic, Anti latched his attention on the car, and hitched a ride in the back of the unconscious YouTuber's mind.

To Jameson, it seemed that everything had gone according to plan. He was watching the video with horrid fascination when his home phone rang.

"Jameson!" a familiar voice shouted.

"Jackie?" Jameson replied.

"Doc needs you- you've got to go help him- he and Jack could be in danger!" Jackieboy Man shouted breathlessly.

"Back up, Jackie. What happened? What's going on?" Jameson demanded.

Jackie lowered his voice and leaned closer to the microphone, which had the unsettling effect of making him sound both louder and more hushed. "Anti didn't give up like we thought- he called Henrik's bluff and followed him back to the clinic. I was just talking to him on the phone and the line died. He said something about the trick not working, and then the phone, like, snapped, and then all I heard was the dial tone. You're closer, and I've got Chase here. Please, Jameson. You have to help him."

"Okay," Jameson forced himself to reply, though he felt as though ice had been dumped over his head. "I will." 

Jameson hung up the phone without hesitating. He buttoned up his vest and threw on a tophat before running down to catch a ride to Schneeplestein's clinic.

After a few excruciating minutes, Jameson reached the front door in a frenzy. He threw himself upon the stairs, barreling up and up and up. At last, he reached Schneeplestein's floor, panting. Jameson felt his stomach shudder as the lights flickered. An ethereal screech drifted through the Employees Only door, and a distant warping noise, like a low siren.

"The operating room...?" Jameson gasped. He vaulted over two rows of chairs and slammed through the doorway. "Henrik!" he screamed.

Then, he burst through the door into the operating room. Suddenly, everything went quiet; even the background warping and screeching fell into silence. The only sound was the gentle beeping of the vitals monitor beside the table. It took Jameson a few seconds to process what he was seeing amidst the confusing technology of the operating room- three figures, one lying unconscious on the table and the other two standing at opposite ends. Jack, Schneeplestein, and Anti.

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