Chapter 6 - Anti Prepares

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When Jameson next saw Anti, it was after over three weeks of anxious waiting. He had begun to worry- or perhaps secretly hope- that Anti wouldn't speak to him again.

But after another crowd-pleasing show, Jameson returned to his dressing room to find someone already waiting there. 

"Anti!" he cried, greeting him warmly. Jameson suddenly remembered how much Anti meant to him, and almost began to wonder how he could have ever considered working against him. "Nice of you to visit again."

"And here I was starting to think you were sick of me," Anti smiled, before giving a high, devilish chuckle. "Great show tonight. You sing wonderfully."

"Thank you," Jameson beamed. "That means a lot to me. But- anyway- what have you been up to? Making the most of the end of the summer?"

Anti's smile never faded. "I've been making plans. Hoping soon to break out of this circle."

"Circle?" Jameson repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Jacksepticeye has been taunting me for years, and now he's taught his little cronies how to do it," Anti snarled, though his anger faded into a dark snicker. "It's okay, though, because soon they'll all get to watch him die."

"Watch him!" Jameson exclaimed. "You don't mean... it'll be in a video?"

"Just like last time," Anti crooned. "Only this time, even goody-goody Henrik won't be able to save him."

Jameson's heart plummeted. "Henrik," he repeated, feigning ignorance. "What does Henrik have to do with this?"

"That doctor got in the way last October," Anti snarled. "But what if I beat him at his own game? Jack doesn't stand a chance. Say I creep into the bastard's body and kill Jack with a simple medical condition- say, a virus or a heart attack. I'll play on the doctor's home field and still win- hahahaha!" Anti's laugh crescendoed into a horrifying cackle. "It'll tear him apart!"

Jameson couldn't believe what Anti was saying. He'd never acted like this before. "That's cruel, Anti," Jameson said quietly. "I know you think Jacksepticeye is dangerous, but... d-do you really have to go after his friends? And what am I supposed to do, watch?"

Anti's dangerous demeanor faded to confusion as he gave Jameson a strange look. "JJ," he said concernedly. "Listen, Henrik has done horrible things to good people. He's no doctor- he's a maniac. I just want a cold, little slice of revenge."

Jameson turned away, scratching his head. 

"Hey, look. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't talk like that," Anti admitted through clenched teeth. Jameson sighed, still not looking back. Anti tried to take a positive tone, saying, "hey... JJ, I've got an idea that I think you'll love."

Jameson glanced back, his curious eyes wider than silver dollars. "What's that?"

Anti giggled. "Hey, I'm not telling you yet. Not until after I've taken care of Jack."

"Oh," Jameson said. He felt morally uncomfortable, as though something was breathing down his neck. He shivered. 

"I've got to go," Anti said, as he sighed and stood up. "Lots of work to do. But I'll see you soon, okay? We're close now- just a few days left. I'll let you know once Jack is gone." Anti glanced at the computer on Jameson's desk, and he smirked. "Or, you'll know."

Jameson nodded, reaching for the door as Anti straightened his scarf and prepared to go. 

"You haven't told anyone about this, right?" Anti asked. There was a vulnerability in his voice that made JJ's heart wrench. 

"I haven't," Jameson assured him simply. A spike of guilt flashed in his chest. "Don't worry."

"Good. Thank you," Anti replied. He smiled at Jameson and, without another word, Anti stepped straight through the door and disappeared. 

"Bye," Jameson murmured at the closed door, his voice riddled with uncertainty. 

The performer stood alone for a few seconds to gather his thoughts. Why is this so difficult? he wondered, with a frustrated shake of the head. After all, he was helping everyone this way. Nobody had to get hurt. 

Jameson huffed and steeled his nerves. He'd gotten the information they needed. He strode over to his phone and picked it up, then cast his gaze around secretively. He even leaned out into the hallway before he began to dial. 

"Henrik?" he said in a hushed voice. "I know we can't talk for long, but I've got the information we need."

Jameson explained everything he could recall from the conversation, albeit in a vague, abridged fashion. The way he told it, Anti had simply stopped by his apartment again with another cryptic message. Lying to Henrik was the only thing that made him more uncomfortable than breaking his promise to Anti.

"He's got some sort of vendetta against you," Jameson added. "You personally."

"Vell, better me zhan Jack," Henrik's crackly voice said through the phone dismissively. "Zhis is good information, Jameson. Zhank you."

"Of course," Jameson replied. "Do you have any kind of plan now?"

There was a thoughtful pause before Henrik replied, "Yes. Sort of? If I can get Jack to my clinic right after Anti attacks him, I could sedate him once ve get zhere, and keep him there until ze danger passes."

Jameson nodded, though he knew Henrik couldn't see him. 

"To begin," the doctor continued, "I vant to keep Chaze far away from zhis whole Anti situation for now. It vas hard enough saving him vhen his worst enemy vas himself."

"Is it really safe out there for him?" Jameson asked. "All alone, I mean..."

"Vell, no. Jackie pointed zhat out to me. When Anti realizes we knew about his plan, he might become frustrated and go after anozer ego instead.  Jackie offered to babysit Chaze vhile I help Jack," Henrik explained with a snicker. "You are velcome to join zhem."

Jameson almost blurted out an offer to help Henrik, before he remembered that there was a chance he'd be staring straight into Anti's eyes while doing so.

"It's okay, doc. I'll be fine here," he said instead. Jameson gave an uneasy laugh. "It would take a lot to bump me off."

"Vell, I should hope so," Henrik replied assuredly. "Oh, horsefeazers! Look at ze time! I've got to get some sleep sometime tonight."

"Horsefeathers?" Jameson repeated. 

"Is... is zhat not something you say?" Henrik asked, sounding alarmed. "I vas... trying to be friendly."

"No, do I say that," Jameson said quickly, feeling blood rush to his face. He grinned, laughing into the phone. "Thank you, Henrik."

"You're quite velcome, Jameson," Henrik replied with a chuckle. Then, he sighed. "Ve have to hang up now. Best of luck these next few days."

"You too," Jameson replied. "Stay safe."

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