View Found through shades

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Eddie's Pov:
It's been a year since I've heard from River. I've tried texting/ calling him but the phone number is out of order. I've tried to forget about him and I did for about a mouth but it's hard when he is famous now and everyone is talking about him now. All the teen girls are going crazy over the new heartthrob.

I wanted to get some air so grabbed my skateboard and road down the street. As I was skateboarding, I come upon River's house. But I also saw a car out front.

I then saw Mrs. Phoenix caring boxes out of the garage to the trunk of the car. 

I almost fell off my skateboard at the sight. Maybe River his home I thought to myself.

I walked over to Mrs. Phoenix, scared that she might not remember me.

"Hi Mrs. Phoenix" I said shyly.

"Oh my,....... Eddie! It's so nice to see you again" said replied.

"Oh River didn't come down with me but I'm cleaning out the house.

"Are you selling it" I said worried.

"Yes I'm afraid so, but I'm cleaning out the house so go ahead and take anything in the house. I've got everything I came for.

Great! Now I will really never see River again. I need to move on but I can't. I really cared for River.  After Mrs. River said to go and take anything. Apart of me just wanted to see River's room again, just to make sure I was not dreaming this. That everything that happened between us was real.

I finally took up on Mrs. Phoenix's offer and went inside. I walked up the stairs and into River's old bedroom. It was pretty much the exact same. Somethings missing from when Mrs. Phoenix packed, but their was almost like River never left. I walk to the middle of the room and look at all the books and records that were left behind.

I looked over on River's bedside table and saw his favorite sunglasses that he would wear all the time. I picked them up and thought of river wearing them. I put them on my shirt and looked around one more time and walked out.

I said goodbye to Mrs. Phoenix as she drove off to her new life.

It was getting dark so I skateboarded all the way back home.

I walk inside to a empty house of mine and decided I wanted a bath.

I graded my speakers out of my room and got my robe and headed to the bathroom.

I take all my clothes and shoes off beside the tub, turning the hot water on.

I turn my speakers on my favorite playlist.

As I was about to turn the water off I see River's sunglasses on the bathroom floor form where I took of my clothes.

I grab them as I get into the warm bath and held them up to the light.

I then placed the sunglasses on, sinking back into the water blocking everything out but the music.

I could finally see my view through theses shades.

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