"And Gabriel?" Cas looks at Az.

"Gabriel is more of a brother than those two ever been," Azazel says getting off the wall. "You should return to the Silver City now before those idiots decided to come down. I've already had Amenadiel mess around with a soul that was sent to Hell."

"Amenadiel?" Cas tilted his head to the side. "What did he do to a tormented soul?"

"Brought it back after I had sent it down to hell," Azazel explains. "I don't enjoy having my job disrupted by a dick brother."

"Father did assign him to get Lucifer back to hell," Castiel says. "Maybe using a corrupted cop is what Amenadiel is planning."

"What the case, I don't want tormented souls that's been in hell out running along with those who haven't died," Azazel says. "Hell does things to a soul. Got to look into him."

With that Azazel walks off with Cas trying to catch up with him. After a night of research in between his assignments, Azazel did all the digging he went through.

"Woah. Hehe.." A laugh erupted from Azazel mouth as he was reading through a thin book. Castile appeared in front of him tilting his head on the other side of the table he was sitting at.

"What's so funny?" Cas asked.

"This guy got truly screwed by the unlikely." Azazel smiles setting the book down on the table. "Either way, I've done enough digging through that man's life. Let's see what the hell Lucifer doing because I've just needed something entertaining to happen."

Castiel gave him a look before Azazel received word from someone in the Grigori. "Seems like Lucifer sure does love the attention," Azazel says standing up from his seat, grabbing the book before they flew out to where Lucifer was.

Seeing a man on the edge of the roof these days for an angel like Azazel was pretty much normal as humans began finding stupid reasons to be killing themselves over but seeing Lucifer standing with one seemed highly unlikely until now. Both Azazel and Castiel were standing next to them looking down at the ground below them.

"That's a long way down," Cas says with his hand behind his back. "And what seems to be a relief to his suffering."

"Humans these days aren't as entertaining as they once were," Azazel comments balancing on the edge of the building since no one could see him or Cas not even Lucifer, himself. Silence became of them as they decided to listen to Lucifer's and the jumper's conversation.

"What? No. I'm not here to stop you." Lucifer tells the man. "If you want to jump, go for it."

In disbelief as a normal human would react, the man supposed Lucifer was using reverse psychology on him. Though after a few attempts of Lucifer letting the man die while scaring the people down below.

"Oh, I've just realized you're not jealous, are you? You're just sad." Lucifer says after hearing what Matt told him.

"Wow... Bravo, Lucifer. Number 1 feeling hurter." Azazel says stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Are we done here?" Cas asked. "Seeing Lucifer mess around with humans is becoming such a hassle."

"Fine. Let's go." Azazel shakes his head. "I suppose Lucifer isn't going to be at Lux for a while so let's get some drinks."

With no other words needed, the two hopped off the edge and flew to lux. Since Lux was still closed until night, the boys sat at one of the booths nearest to the bar where Maze was at. Ruth was asleep next to Azazel's feet before hearing someone else coming in. Hearing Ruth's small whine, Azazel turned his head over to the bar where Maze was talking to Linda, Lucifer's therapist.

"Linda, so good to see you again." He called out to the blonde doctor as he took a sip of some whiskey.

"Azazel. Haven't seen you for a while." Linda says turning to him. "How have you been?"

"Alright despite Lucifer's sudden changes that are making him more of a d-bag than usual," Azazel replies as Ruth got up from his place and trotted over to Linda. "Though I was able to get more free time away from him."

But unfortunately, both Lucifer and Chloe had stopped by as Azazel finished his sentence.

"Free time away from me do to what, Az?" Lucifer says as Azazel quietly cursed to himself.

"Nothing that's ever important to you, Lucifer." Azazel stands up from his seat and hits Cas's leg as he was sleeping. "Come on, Cas. Let's get going."

"Huh?" Cas groans and rubs his eyes. "Okay. Coming. Ruth. *snap* *snap* Car Ride?" 

Ruth turned to Cas and barked happily, following the two out of Lux.

"So what now? Let Lucifer experience and suffer the emotions of Humanity?" Cas questioned his brother as Azazel was looking through evidence of the Palm Meadow case. 

"Yea, pretty much. Luci wants to understand what drives humans to do what they desire then let him suffer." Azazel says before grabbing the bullets from the victims and Malcolm that was retrieved to compare them. Before anything else was spoken from either of them Azazel's phone rang.

"Marsh... Suicide? Alright just send over the body and collect all the evidence, even his personal belongings."  Azazel says before hanging up. "This is going to be a long night... Cas, mind watching Ruth?"

"I'll drop him off at Lux. I've got to go back to the Silver City." Cas replied, grabbing Ruth's leash that was on the table and calling him over for them to leave Azazel to his work.

"Father, why couldn't you be satisfied with just us?" Azazel muttered after Cassie and Ruth had left. "You must love watching your creations suffer don't you."

Shrugging off his lab coat, Azazel grabbed his keys and headed to autopsy to wait for the incoming body for him to cut open.

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