Healing wound

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Sabine's P.O.V

I sat on my bed, and thought about Ezra. He was alive! He tried to tell me something before Megan came in and stopped him. What was he trying to tell me? It must have been important.

I stood up and walked over to the small cradle in the corner of the room. Adrianne was asleep. I could hear her breathing, it was so peaceful. 

Malia told me Hera, Zeb, Kanan and Mason were captured. Chopper had contacted her. Clearly the Empire was getting dumber, they left Chopper. The loudest and most annoying member.

I brushed my hand across Adrianne's smooth cheek. She was still sleeping. Malia walked in, and shut the door behind her. The doctors told her to, so I couldn't get out.

I looked at her.

"I'm going to help Chopper free Hera and the other annoying members of our crew. Will you be okay alone?" She walked up to me.

I nodded, and we hugged. Then she left in the Phantom. Now I was all alone, nobody was there for me. I needed to find Ezra.

I smashed the window and ran for the gate, nobody had noticed so far. 

"Stop right there!" I heard a doctor shout.

"Please just let me out." I put my hands up.

"Why would we do that?" They slowly walked towards me.

"Because I dont need to be here, my crew need my help!" I yelled.

"How about your daughter?" They asked.

"She can stay here. I'm not going to ditch her, we'll come back!" I backed away, slowly.

"Your ill." The doctor pointed out.

"No, Ezra has visited me twice. Check the CCTV. He is alive!" I screamed.

"Look, your crew said, whoever this Ezra person is, he is dead." The doctor put their hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed their hand, and bent it back until I heard a crack. Then I pushed them onto the floor.

"Fine, I'll stay here and prove I'm not ill!" I yelled, and marched off to my room.

A few hours later Hera and Malia returned with Zeb and Mason. Oh and Chopper. But Kanan wasn't there. Hera told me that Ezra killed him, I couldn't believe that. Ezra would never kill Kanan, however 'evil' he was.

Hera had also commented that I looked so much better. I knew what she meant, but I still took it as an insult. She could have said it a different way.

The doctors said that I have healed, and I will be 'released' soon. Now I can find Ezra without doctors constantly mocking me. 

Everyone thought Ezra was evil. I knew he wasn't, he couldn't be. Nobody else trusted him, except me. They were all making a mistake.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter is pretty much just a fill in one, the only important thing in it will be Sabine getting out of hospital. This chapter wasn't very important either. But I'm pretty sur after the next chapter, the rest of this section is pretty important. The last 4-5 chapters are very important, so remember to pay attention! Please vote on this chapter!


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