Me: Sarah!

Sarah: Tati! I missed you so much.

Me: I missed you too. When did you get here?

Sarah: A couple days ago. I got out last week and my parents had already been here and found us a house and everything because they wanted me to have a fresh start.

Me: I'm so glad they chose Atlanta for you.

Sarah: Me too. Now I got my partner in crime back.

Me: Yass boo. You know you my Day 1.

Sarah: And you mine boo.

We hug again.

Me: Come on. I want to introduce you to my brother and some of our friends.

She nods and we walk into the cafeteria where they are.

We walk up to them and I tap Paris on the shoulder.

He turns around.

Paris: Wassup sis?

Me: I wanted to introduce y'all to Sarah.

Sarah: Tati, this your brother?

Me: Yeah.

Paris: Why you hanging out with her Tati?

Me: What's going on between y'all?

Sarah: Your brother and his friends are bullies.

I turn to them.

Me: What did y'all do to her?

Cara: Ain't nobody do nothing to her. She just don't know how to take a joke.

Me: Paris, what the fuck did y'all say to her?

Paris: It ain't nothing Tati. You shouldn't associate with her tho.

I just shake my head at my brother. I can't believe him.

Me: Look, whatever the hell it is that y'all said to her before, don't say it no more and leave her alone cause she ain't do nothing to y'all. Y'all don't even fucking know her.

Paris: Why do you even care what we say or do to her? She's a nobody. You gone lose your rep being seen around with her.

Me: I don't care about no damn rep when it comes to the people that I love. This my best friend, my Day 1, and I suggest y'all leave her the hell alone and don't mess with her because she will only take so much before she pop the fuck off on y'all. And when she pop off, I pop off, and don't nobody want to be around when that happens. Got it?

Darien: I thought you was down with us Tati. How you gon just switch up like that for her?

Me: It ain't no switch up. Y'all ain't even give her a chance or try to get to know her. Y'all just automatically started picking on her and it's wrong. I can't fuck with people who do that type of shit.

Paris: So what, you ain't gon talk to me no more either?

Me: Paris, you my brother and it's gon always be that way. But this shit wrong and if y'all, or specifically you, Paris, don't leave her alone I'm snitching.

Cori: I thought you was different Tati. Turns out you just like this dumb ass bitch.

Me: What the hell did she do to you for you to be like that towards her? Are you threatened because she look 10x better than to ugly ass with that bad crusty ass weave you got or what?!

Everybody in the lunchroom got quiet cause I was loud as hell. And everybody know me and Cori. We good competition in a fight but everybody know I can beat her ass.

His Daughter-The Bad ChildWhere stories live. Discover now