Ch.21: Confusions. Lots of them.

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Lauren POV

I ran out of the coffee shop after I found out the truth. I ran and ran, crossing a busy street and all of a sudden, I heard a loud honk of a truck, and I was in the middle of the road.

You thought I was going to get run over, right? Tch. I honestly wish I would've gotten run over, but my reflexes made me run to the sidewalk for the truck to pass by, the driver giving me a glare as he drove by.

After that, I slowly headed home while crying my eyes out, everyone giving me weird glances but they don't know what I'm going through. No one knows how in pain I am, even if they see my tears and saddened eyes.

I walked into my house and my parents were in the living room, I ran to my room before they could see my crying face.

I locked myself in my room, got on my bed, and cried more. No, I'm not going to kill myself, he's not worth it. At all. But .. he meant the world to me.

Why, oh why, am I so stupid. It had felt so real though, all the kisses and the hugs he would give me, how were they all fake? Just another one of his pranks? And what about all the times he convinced me he was sorry.

Well, maybe it is just a five letter word. That people can't forgive just because that word is said.

My phone vibrated from texts and calls, but I turned it off. I don't want to be humiliated by him again. Maybe I should've moved schools .. it's what's best.

Doesn't he know I have feelings? This is the worst prank he's ever done to me. Right in my face, dumping me, claiming we never even existed and he feels sorry for me. Jessica was right. In every way.


I didn't even notice I cried myself to sleep and it was time for school again. As soon as I woke up, I felt the ugly feeling inside me again.

I got up anyways, and got ready for school. I guess now I'm lonely again. Without friends or anything. I got outside and no one was waiting outside my door with a skateboard in hand, willing to walk to school with me.

I walked alone, although sometimes I'd turn around with the feeling I was being watched. Maybe it's that I feel unsafe now, back to how things used to be.

Back to how things used to be.

I got to the band hall and grabbed my instrument, and Jongup sat next to me with a worried face.

"Woah, why are your eyes so red?" He asked.

"Your best friend didn't tell you?" I muttered.

His face expression became more confused. "Zelo? What about him?"

"You can stop acting like you didn't know. Zelo already told me it was all a joke. Don't feel sorry for me, I don't need your sympathy," I told him.

"Wait, what are you talking about? You're confusing me," He cried.

"You're always confused, can't you see Zelo finally told me that our relationship was a lie, and that he never liked me?!" I yelled. Then I quieted down and tears started forming in my eyes.

"He broke up with me. He had been with Jessica all this time as well, and-"

"He told you all this?" Jongup interjected. I nodded and wiped my eyes.

"But, that's a lie. It can't be true. I know Zelo, and he loves you a lot. That's all a lie," Jongup told me.

"No, no it's not. He said it to my face, he laughed in my face," I exclaimed, covering my face.

I Went Too Far.. (B.A.P. Zelo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum