Ch.16: Back To School

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I woke up at 5:00AM, I couldn't sleep all night. I usually had to wake up at 6:45AM, but I was just too nervous to sleep calmly.

Will people really stop bothering me now?

I got up and it was still dark outside, but I decided to go run for a while to make time pass. When I started running outside, I could feel the breeze of the morning against my face.

All of a sudden, some arms wrapped around me. The first person that came to my mind was Zelo but ..

"Miss me?" I heard Himchan say.

I quickly turned around and he smiled goofily.

"Wh-why are you up at this time?" I asked.

"To run, I have to lose weight somehow," He responded with a chuckle.

'Just stay away from him, please'

'He's not a good person'

Zelo's statements kept replaying in my mind. Is he really that evil?

But that face is too innocent and adorable .. He can't be the one that told Zelo to bully me. But then, why would Zelo lie?

"Laurennie, are you listening?" Himchan interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, y-yes," I replied with a fake smile.

"And uh .. I gotta go," I said, running off and leaving him speechless.

After a few seconds, I turned back and saw him still standing there, talking on the phone with a blank expression. I shrugged it off and went back home.

When I had already changed and ate, I went outside again and saw Zelo outside the door already.

"Good morning!" He greeted cheerfully. I smiled and he handed me the skateboard in his hands.

"I thought that maybe you'd like to practice being on a skateboard before school," He said. I nodded and took it, and got on it.

"Let me hold your hands, so you won't fall," He said. He held both my hands and I started gliding through the sidewalk with him beside. I honestly didn't need his help, but I didn't want to let go of his hand.

"Zelo?" I called.


"Can we go to the band hall before class starts?"


"I want to be in band."

"But you know you can't enter a class in the middle of the semester, plus, all band members must be advanced in their instrument."

"I know, I already know my instrument pretty well too," I answered.

When we got to school, we were early so we entered the band hall and it looked like the music room, except that it was way bigger and some students were even practicing.

"Wow, I didn't know some people came here before school started," Zelo whispered.

In the band hall, there were rows and rows of chairs and with percussion equipment behind such as bass drums and snares and whatnot. I then spotted the band director's office.

"I'll be right back," I told Zelo. He nodded and I went into the band director's office.

"Good morning, sir," I bowed.

"Good morning miss, how may I help you?" He asked.

"Uh .. I would like to join the band program," I stated.

I Went Too Far.. (B.A.P. Zelo)Where stories live. Discover now