Ch.8: Leaving

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Lauren POV

"Lauren, please wake up, I'm sorry. I never meant any harm," I heard someone say. I was in a pitch black place, no one was here to save me. I can't see or feel anything, but I hear voices surrounding me, confusing me. This person keeps saying those same words, and I hear their sobs from far away. I don't know where I am and why I'm here, I'm lost and I can only see a small light from far away. Sometimes, I see it closer, other times, I see it getting farther away.

"I went too far .." I heard the voice say. Where am I? What's happening?

I feel the urge to move of get up but I can't, I don't know what's wrong. My mind is whirling and I can't feel anything at all. I hear voices, I see a blinding light, but I just can't move. I feel terrible, though. I'm confused, where am I?

Daehyun POV

I stood there, looking at the helpless Lauren laying there, barely surviving. I feel like this is all my fault. I failed.

It's been days that Lauren's been like this, absolutely no reaction. She must've taken in too much poison, weakening all her defenses and she was already in bad health to have not eaten. These days that pass, it's hopeless. I pray for her to get better but nothing happens.

Zelo had gone to school today and Lauren's parents had to work so I decided to come here to be with Lauren, there's really no other place I should be right now. I closed my eyes.

'My lord, I have failed my mission. I'm truly sorry.'

'You have not failed, you did as I had sent you to do and I allowed this to happen for a reason. Time is up, you may now come join me. It's time to leave.'

'Will you allow Lauren to live more?'

'Yes, she has more to live and she has suffered enough, you also protected her well in the meantime that I ordered you to do. Now come, you'll still protect her from here.'

I stood up and went up to Lauren and stroked her long black hair. My heart fluttered a bit, but then I remembered, I can't have those type of feelings. I smiled, hoping Lauren could do the same. When will she wake up? I don't know. I hope soon, and I hope she won't suffer anymore. I did the best I could to protect her, and if I'm called back home now, then I believe she won't need me here anymore and it's time for me to go back.

I was not given all my power to protect Lauren, but I did the best I could in human form and it kind of worked. I became her friend so she wasn't lonely, and I tried to look for help but I guess that wasn't meant to happen. Why is everything going this way? I don't know, but I know God has a well-planned life for Lauren.

"Take care, I'll always be watching over you," I whispered to her, and with that, I spread my wings and left.

Zelo POV

"So she's still in a coma?" Jongup asked at lunch. I simply nodded. It's been days that she hasn't woken up, and every day causes my hope to shrink. What makes me feel even worse is that it's my fault she's in that condition.

"You have no idea how I feel right now, hyung," I told him miserably, playing around with the food in my tray.

"Aw, the little baby is sad over his crush dying, how pathetic," I heard someone say. I looked up to see Himchan, smirking. I gave him a glare.

"Leave me alone, Himchan," I hissed. He laughed.

"It's all your fault she's in the hospital~" He hissed, making me feel even more guilty than I already was.

I Went Too Far.. (B.A.P. Zelo)Where stories live. Discover now