Part 22

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It's been several months since Pha and Beam began dating, during that time a lot has happened. Pring's case went to court and because the police worked so hard after the initial reporting of the case the boys did not need to face that woman in court. When all the evidence was presented the judge did not need anything else as the case was pretty straight forward and the evidence spoke for itself. She was sentenced with the highest prison sentence that could be given for such a case 7 years and weekly mandatory psychological assessment because of her hypersexuality.

As for Mr. Wijitan he got his medical licence revoked and received 10 to 15 years in jail for embezzlement , some of his shares were sold to repay the monies he'd stolen from the hospital. As for the illegal gambling charges he got a further 3 years. The rest of his shares were turned over to Mrs Wijitan as part of the divorce settlement.

Things for Pha and Beam had their ups and downs because of Pha's jealousy not to say that Beam would not get jealous but it was not as drastic as Pha. Beam's reputation had been known all over campus and those who'd been with him knew how generous a lover he was no one had ever left his bed dissatisfied. The boys had made it plain after that first holiday that they were an item yet time and again Beam would be approached by some hungry wolf wanting to taste of his sweet nectar and because he'd been known to go out with both male and female those of all sexual orientation would seek him out just to have that one night experience.

The ones who got to Pha the most were those who dared to approach Beam even when they were together and at those times Pha would erupt causing a scene and Beam would have to intervene to prevent someone from getting punched in the face. No one wanted to believe that someone like Beam could be satisfied by just one lover hence the reason they kept coming back. Beam constantly told him "Pha, no matter what they try to do, I'm yours" Pha's response would always be the same, "I know but I can't help it."

As for Pha when someone approached him he would just ignore them and if they were insistent he's just turn to Beam and kiss him leaving a very embarrassed girl to walk away.

One weekend after numerous incident of that kind during the week, Pha disappeared without letting Beam know his whereabouts, this got Beam pretty angry at first then worried when Pha did not return by the end of Saturday, he called time and again but only got the answering service. Beam had been close to tears fearing Pha had been in an accident and was laying hurt somewhere. He finally called called Kit and Ming who claimed to know nothing and it was the same for the other couple, Forth and Wayo.

Finally on Sunday around midday Pha returned looking tired but with a self satisfied look on his face. Before Beam could even scold him he went on the offense, "Babe, I'm sorry to have disappeared without telling you." Beam broke down in tears while hitting Pha on the chest, "I was so worried, thank the gods you're safe." He wrapped his arms around Pha and held him tight, Pha also wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, "I'm sorry, I promise this will never happen again. I had something important I needed to do for the both of us. Let's go on a date tonight, let me make it up to you."

"Sniff. You're so bad you know that."

"I'm sorry my love, I'll explain everything to you over dinner. Mm?"

"It had better be good."

"It is I promise." Then he kissed Beam on the forehead. "I can see you you didn't sleep well last night let's take a nap before our date."Pha walked Beam to the bed helped him undress into his under clothes and got him under the covers. Once Beam was laying down Pha set the alarm on his phone so they would not oversleep , then got comfortable and joined Beam under the covers, once there he pulled the boy against his chest. The two hardly slept apart anymore they only did so when they had a test and did not want to be distracted by each other.

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