Chapter 8

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Kimberly POV

Due to having the day off, Kimberly slept-in until around 12pm, which would give her just around two hours to get showered, cleaned, dressed and fed before her family would arrive. They and the Tinsley's were driving up together in a big RV they rented, Kimberly spoke to her father the day before and that they spent a night at hotel in the Quebec countryside.

As she was doing her business, Kimberly was thinking about Jonathan and how liberating it felt to tell him she loved her. But the more she thought about it, the more she began to regret it, and it wasn't because she loved someone else, it was the fact that Kimberly felt like she was put under more pressure. Kimberly's stress over the Sunday meet had increased. It wasn't that she didn't really love Jonathan, she really did and wanted to spend every waking hour with him, but she had not predicted the mental toll professing love for someone would have on her. This could not have happened at a worse time.

Kimberly could not take back her 'I love you' to Jonathan because even though it would only be temporary, he'd be no doubt very hurt and that would put even more of a burden on herself. Kimberly would have to find time to herself to put that stuff aside and focus on the upcoming weekend.

Kimberly waltzed into the school cafeteria and found her usual group of friends huddled together at a table, except for Darius, who lived locally so he went home for the weekend. Kimberly was glad of for that, of all of Johnathan's friends, she did not care for Darius's chauvinistic, womanizing, conceited and indifferent affectations.

There were people hustling and bustling throughout the large cafeteria as the families of the students were arriving in loud, excited drones, while other groups of kids were planning their weekend, all enjoying a scrumptious welcome brunch.

"Hey, sleepy head." said Gail as Kimberly approached, she sat between the Tinsley twins, "we already got you a plate. You think things are crazy now, this whole weekend's going to be one giant nut job convention."

"Especially, for you, Kimberly," said Magnus, who, along with Sebastian, spoke fluent, barely accented English "growing up in the Italian circus, I once had to fill in for my father, the lion tamer, all by myself to manage these ferocious beasts in front of a crowd that could fit the Coliseum. I was only ten and I was so scared."

"So what did you do?" asked Kimberly.

"The bloke nearly choked," said Cornelius, "he got clawed by a she lion through the cage and the whole arena heard him squeal." The boys at the table laughed, except for Magnus, of course.

"That's not how it happened, Corny." protested Magnus.

"So we're not the only one's to call you that, huh?" said Kimberly. Gail and Sasha giggled at this.

"Shut it, you!" said Cornelius.

"Yes, I was clawed," continued Magnus, rolling up his right sleeve to reveal three parallel scars, clearly carved were the claws of the jungle cat, everyone at the table cringed, "but the point is, Kimberly, even though I was terrified at everyone staring down at me, unable to contain my own animals, created enormous pressure for me and I was able to work through it and finish the performance without any further incident. That's how I think you should view this, Kimberly."

"Thank you, Magnus," said Kimberly, genuinely gracious, "I'll take that into consideration."

"Yeah, my baby's going use Amber Tonic's anus as a dishtowel on Sunday." said Jonathan and kissed her on the cheek. Jonathan's use of 'my baby' and his sudden public display of affection startled Kimberly at first. The whole table became silent in awkward shock, but then Kimberly thought of what Magnus just said and how even though she was frightened from their stares, she had to be true to herself and true to Jonathan.

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