Kimberly and Gail both agreed that it was stupid to fight over someone who was thousands of miles away and end what could possibly a great friendship.

Gail knows that Kimberly still plan to keep in touch with Zach, but she has no idea that Zach told Kimberly he loved her. She knew that it was a slip up on Zach's part, but the moment he said it, Kimberly felt an enormous wave emotion like nothing she'd ever experienced. Kimberly felt lucky that their phones were disconnected, otherwise Kimberly would have said it right back before she was ready.

For the two weeks Kimberly, Zach was the main reason for hers and Gail's insomnia, they'd spend nights was feeling sad and lonely about him. It was the reason they began having these meetings whenever the two of them were unable to fall asleep, which had been every night since they started. Sometimes they would bring the girl at the top bunk, Sasha from the Ukraine, who'd become a dear friend to them., but mostly to Kimberly since they shared many of the same classes.

Gail and Kimberly also never got much of a chance to see each other during the day. Even though they shared a bunk bed, Gail and Kimberly, had completely different and conflicting schedules.

However, these feelings have lessened recently due to the fact that Kimberly was now spending a great deal of time with Zach's best friend and Gail's twin brother, Jonathan.

"How are things with Jonathan?" Gail asked..

"Your brother's always amazing, Gail." said Kimberly, "He's very easy to talk to, y'know. He helped me out with the whole Zach thing and now with the Amber thing."

"Are you feeling like it could go anywhere else?" asked Gail.

"Maybe." said Kimberly, smiling mellifluously.

Gail gave her a weird look.

"What, you don't want me to date your brother, I won't." said Kimberly.

"Its not that, Kim," said Gail, "I was expecting you to deny it and say you're just friends, especially because he's you-know-who's best friend."

"Well, you said it yourself, Gail," said Kimberly, "Zach is thousands of miles away and will probably get a new girlfriend of his own so I need to move on. And Johnathan's real smart, funny and so adorable,"

"Cool." said Gail, "I'm glad you told me that because he's crazy about you."

"He told you that?" asked Kimberly.

"He's my brother, Kim, I know when he's smitten," said Gail, "the only thing is, he's never had a real girlfriend before, so be careful not to hurt him, okay?" Kimberly wasn't sure who Gail meant by 'him'. "Also, he may sound really smart and articulate, but when it comes to girls, well, Corey Miller could do better than Jonathan."

"Why, is Corey bad with the ladies?" said Gail, "He was real nice to me at the hospital."

"I think he's better with people in general than he wants people to know," said Gail, "he intentionally gets himself into these wacky situations just for the amusement of Zach and Jonathan. The truth is, even though Johnathan's my brother and Zach was my boyfriend, I was closer with Corey than both of them."

"Really?" said Kimberly, curious.

"Yeah," said Gail, "he was the first boy I ever kissed, back in third grade. Because Zach was always busy with sports and Jonathan with student council, Corey was the one I would hang out with the most; go to movies, out to eat or just hang out. He was there for me when I was sad, like in the hospital, and when I was happy. I probably miss him the most, even more than you-know-who."

"You didn't have any girlfriends?" asked Kimberly, "Yeah, I had a good friend here and there but I always found myself gravitating to male friends. Mine, Zach's and Corey's parents always joked that we were like the cast of Seinfeld. Jonathan is Jerry, Corey is Kramer, Zach is George and I'm Elaine. What ever that means, I only watched a little bit of it, but its way too 90's for me." Kimberly chuckled.

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