Chapter 13

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If You Left Him for Me

Chapter 13

A/N: (READ THE BOLD PRINT FOR ANNOUNCEMENT!) Okay the last chapter was really like half ass. It was lame I know. I'm sorry for it I just can't think about what to write. I really want her with Riker, he also kinda got "Fan Vote" on who she should be with. I'm going the Riker track but perhaps if someone is interested in being a character in the story, you could be with Ross. So, give me your name and why you want to be in the story. I will dedicate the first chapter you are in to you and you will go in the Character List. I may not write as much because of summer school but I'll try I promise. I'm going to be a junior so school is getting hard. Okay on with the Storyyyy I Luff yewwww!

Oh this chapter will be more Rydel getting a man possibly.


I had just shown up at the Starbucks that Ella had told me to meet her and Riker at. "Rydel!" Ella shouted at me. She was standing outside the coffee shop with Riker and a cute blonde haired guy. Did I mention he was cute? I walked over and hugged Ella and high fived Riker. "Ella this is Connor. Connor this is Rydel" Ella introduced us. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes, and don't even get me started on his lips. He was so cute. Connor smiled and said hi, his smile though. EEEPPP. He opened his arms and went to hug me. I hugged him back. Ella and Riker went inside and Connor and I followed behind.

Ella and Riker sat at a table by themselves so Connor and I did the same. "So um how do you know Ella?" I asked. He smiled, "Well It's a bit of a weird story but I was walked in the park and I saw her sitting on a bench, in a wedding dress and sat down and started asking what was wrong. She told me she couldn't choose between two guys and I told her to spend time with each of them and yeah hahaha." His laugh was even cute. "Yeah those guys are sadly my brothers. Wait you gave her that idea? No, wait she told me about you!" I was probably making a complete fool of myself. To my surprise, he actually laughed. "Hahaha you know who you remind me of, my friend Ricky. I think you two should meet." He said. I smiled "Sounds cool." He smiled back "Do you want to actually go now, Ricky and I live together, and so you could meet him." I nodded and went to tell Ella where I was going.


Okay I have to admit this girl was cute, but she was more of Ricky's type. She told me that she'd follow me to the O2L house. I nodded. I got into my car, a black Toyota Camry, and drove a few blocks away. I got out and Rydel got out of her car. "This is a really nice house you guys have." She said. I smiled and walked up the porch steps. I got out my house key, put it into the lock, and unlocked the door. I walked inside and Rydel followed me. "RICKY COME HEREEEE!" I shouted

Ricky ran down the stairs. "Yeah what's up? Oh ha hey." He tried acting cool as soon as he saw Rydel. Bingo, he was hooked. I think I just got Ricky a girlfriend. "Ricky, this is Rydel. Rydel this is my friend Ricky." Rydel walked over to Ricky. "Hi Ricky." She smiled. "H-hi" Ricky said back. Aw Ricky was all nervous. "Well, I'll just leave you two alone." I said before walking up to my room. I texted Ella and told her Rydel wasn't really my type but that I hooked her up with Ricky. Ella asked me to send a pic. I went down stairs to see Ricky and Rydel cuddled up on the couch watching Pokémon? Ha okay. I snapped a quick picture and send it back to her. "Omg are the seriously watching Pokémon?" She asked. I send a quick yes and told her I had work to do.


Okay, I was stunned. Rydel was beautiful. I'm in love, jk or am i? We started talking after Connor went to his room and she likes almost everything I do. It's so cool! I probably look horrible. Connor didn't tell me he was bringing someone, let alone a girl over. I heard a creek on the stairs, but ignored it. Probably Connor or something. You know this is pretty nice, watching Pokémon and you know, cuddling I guess with a girl. I could get use to this.


Okay, I thought Connor was cute, but Ricky is just OMG. Right now we are sitting on the couch and his arm is around me and we are watching Pokémon. Yes get over it. "So what's your favorite Pokémon?" I asked him. He looked at me and laughed. "I can't just choose one! What about you?" "You can't choose one to be your favorite. Come on they are all pretty dang awesome." We started laughing about Pokémon and things completely random. He asked how I knew Connor. "Does he ever talk about an Ella?" Ricky nodded his head. "That is my brother's fiancée I guess, and she set me up with Connor. I guess he thought we'd be better together and here we are." I said. I have to admit. I like Ricky better. Connor just seemed like a typical camera geek guy who just sat on tumblr all day.

"Oh that's cool. I'm kinda glad that he brought you. I was starting to feel lonely with all of the couples and things. Okay so um uh do you maybe want to actually um go on a real date with me?" Ricky spoke nervously. He rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled "All you had to do was ask dork. I'd love to." He smiled big. I looked out the window. "Is that a pool?" Ricky nodded "Yeah do you want to go swimming?" I nodded pretty fast. "Oh man I don't have any clothes." I pouted my lip out. "I could let you use a pair of my shorts and a shirt, um if you want." He said. I nodded again and the unexpected happened. "Okay, but let me do something." He leaned in and Yes he kissed me!

A/N: Okay ladies and gents that I is for this chapter. I hope you liked it. I decided you know why not get Rydel a man, and you know let's make it Ricky. I don't think Ricky gets enough attention, so Rydel and Ricky. Awww Need a new ship name for them. Hahaha anyway if you didn't read this or the BOLD PRINT and the top, sorry not sorry. Luff Yewww

Twitter: @Madison_McHenry and tumblr: lukeys-penguin-ashtons-pizza

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