Chapter 8

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If You Left Him for Me

Chapter 8

A/N: Long time no see? Sorry about not writing just a lot of family and personal issues I needed to deal with. If any of you hadn’t heard about a month ago, well the last day in January I turned 16 and in about a week, or March 12, my braces come off! Yay no more metal mouth! Okay so I decided to make a Ross chapter. We need to see into his life a bit. You guys need to not bet me constantly for updates. It makes me feel bad when I have nothing wrote. I write when I feel like it and when I have ideas. Do not hate me for what is in this chapter. I’m not making Ross out to be the bad guy. I love Ross and Riker and all of R5, But Riker did have the most votes so he will most likely be the good guy thank you.

P.s. Caution is advised for this chapter, kinda.


It’s been almost a week. A week without Sam and Ty. A week without Ella. I’ve been bored and lost. I did something that may influence my chances. I called Laura. I hadn’t talked to her in so long. She came over and talked. I vented all my feelings. My jealousy, anger, and hatred for my own brother. I mainly regret one thing. I practically cheated. I kissed her and one thing led to another. I wasn’t in my right mind. I needed someone. I needed love. I needed somewhere to put what love I had left in my almost completely crushed heart.

All I could think of was Ella and then Riker. What were they doing? Had they kissed? Had they done things? Had anything happened that could allow him to have more of a chance than me? How have Sam and Ty reacted to him? I couldn’t help but wonder. I needed to know.

I picked my phone up and went to my contacts. I clicked the name Ella<3. Lame I know. I stared at the picture for what seemed like forever before hitting the dial button. I put it up to my ear, it rang and rang, then went to voice mail. Her voice was like music. “Hey this is Ella, I can’t get to the phone right now. Leave me a message or don’t if you prefer. Bye.” You could practically hear the sly smile in her sarcasm. I missed hearing her sarcastic responses to my questions. It was one of the insanely odd traits of hers that I loved.

I hung up and put my phone back on the bedside table beside me.  I glanced around the room. This room, my room, somehow reminded me of Ella so much. I look at my floor, and remember the tickle fights we had nearly two years ago. The bathroom when I heard her screaming while she was in the shower because there was a spider. That was the first time I had seen her naked. I remember that memory. Her naked body standing before me, I had only a few seconds to look but I saw it all. She quickly grabbed the towel and covered herself before looking down in embarrassment. I couldn’t even say a word. While I was thinking of this memory I got a problem.

I debated whether or not to call Laura to help. That would just make things even more confusing. I remembered how Ella would touch me. Just more thinking of it made my problem even worse. My jeans were getting tighter by the second. I unbuttoned my jeans, kicking them off onto the end of my bed. I felt relieved from taking them off but not enough. I took my shirt off and rubbed a hand down my chest and slid it into my boxers.

A/N: okay sorry I tried writing something dirty but it didn’t really work because I can’t write that stuff. I’m too innocent! But anyway…..those are Ross’ feelings. They are a bit mixed up I think. I can’t exactly get a feel for what he’s thinking. What do you think?

If You Left Him For Me (Ross And Riker Lynch Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now