Chapter 1

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A/N: All chapters will be like this one. Okay(: I am dedicating this to all the people who read and like 'I want you bad.' and have waited FOREVER for this chapter. Thank you guys.(: hahaha "Buy my shirts". No? sorry oops ImmortalHD bad.


If You Left Him For Me.

Chapter 1


I was so overwhelmed with the emotion and stress of choosing between Ross and Riker. I kept weighing out the consequences in my mind. I had no idea what to do so I did the only thing I could think of. I ran. I ran out of the church, in my dress to a park down the street and sat on a bench near a pond.

“Miss, are you okay?” A man asked. I nodded my head. “Yes, I’m fine.” I replied softly.

He sat down next to me. “What is a beautiful woman like you doing out here in a wedding dress?” He questioned. “It’s a long story.” I said. “I’ve got time” The man spoke.

I told him everything that had happened in the past four years of my life. From Ross cheating on me with Laura to getting pregnant, and it all lead up to when I told him about today.

“I can see that you were going to get married. So why are you here?” He asked. “They were trying to make me choose. I didn’t know who to choose. I love them both, but I have two children with Riker. I don’t know what to do.” I replied with tears sliding down my cheek.

The man put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest, letting me cry. He rubbed my back, trying to sooth me. “It’s alright, well I have a compromise. Spend a week with both of them. Whichever one treats you better and makes you feel better, you choose him, because he will be the one you spend the rest of your life with. He needs to treat you with respect and treat you like a woman. He needs to show you love and compassion, like a man should.” He said.

I looked up at him. “Thank you. I never got your name?” He looked at me. “My name is Connor, you are?” “Ella.” He smiled and stood up. “Here is my number, call me anytime you need.” He said before walking down the path.

I wiped the last few tear and mascara off my cheeks and started walking back to the church. I opened the doors and was surprised that everyone was still there. There were a few gasps.

“I’ve come up with my answer.” I said. Ross and Riker came and stood in front of me, both with looks of excitement and hope written across their faces.

“You guys will each get to spend a week with me. Whoever treats me better, I will choose.”

Their faces fell, but still had hope in them. “Who goes first?” Riker asked.

“Pick a number between 1 and 10.” The number I thought of was 6.“3” Ross spoke. “7” Riker said.  “Riker goes first, the number was 6.” I said. Ross let out a sigh while Riker smile.

 “So what’s the deal?” Rocky said while walking over to us. “Each of us gets to spend a week with her, whatever one she has a better time with, gets to marry her.” Ross said with a bit of sadness in his voice. Rocky nodded and went and told everyone.

“Okay guys. I’ve got another ceremony in two hours. Let’s get moving.” The minister said. All of us walked down to the basement where my clothes were. Rydel came in the room to help me with my dress.

“So you are really going to choose between them.” She said. “Yes, I don’t know what to do, some man on the street told me to do this. Whoever treats me better will be the one I will marry.” I replied to her. “Some random man?” “Yeah his name was Connor. He was very nice, I got his number and everything.” She nodded and finished unlacing my dress.

I changed into my legging and a pink shirt along with my black vans. I came out of dressing room, everyone looked at me. “So Ty and Sam will go with Riker and Ella, just to see how they react to him and things, when it’s Ross’s turn they will stay with Rydel.” Stormie said.

Ty and Sam came running over to me with Riker trailing behind them “Momma, momma!” Ty and Sam shouted. They gripped my legs while Riker just stood there awkwardly looking at me. “Well let’s get going.” I said.


As my two beautiful boys hugged her legs I just stood there, watching her. I regret ever walking out on her. We could be a family. “Well let’s get going.” Ella said, knocking me out of my thought. I nodded and we started walking to my car.

“Riker can you watch Sam and Ty while I go and get their seats out of Rydel’s car?” Ella asked. I nodded. Their names were Sam and Ty. I had no idea which was which. “Who is you?” one of them asked. “I’m Riker.” I replied. “Wiker?” the other asked. I nodded and smiled. “Yep.”

Ella came walking with two car seats. I walked a few steps and grabbed one from her. “Thanks Riker.” She replied. I put it into my car and strapped it in. “Ty go to Riker and have him help you into your seat.” Ella said. One of them had an Orange shirt on, he walked over to me and held his arms up.  I picked him up and looked at him. He has my nose and Ella’s blue eyes. I put him into his seat and buckled him in. After I did I kissed the top of his head. “I love you.” I said softly. “I wove you too Wiker.” He said back. I smiled.

Ella was trying to put the other seat in while holding Sam. “I got it El.” I said shutting the door and running over to the other side. I took the seat from her and buckled it into my car. She handed me Sam. I looked at him for a minute. He has Ella’s nose and my brown eyes. I have to say, we made pretty cute kids. I smiled remembering it before I put Sam into his seat.

I kissed his head and ‘I love you’ just as I did to Ty. “I wove you too Wiker.” Sam said. I smiled again. I was going to try my hardest to get her to pick me. I have regretted everything since that day. I’ve missed two years of my children’s life. Sure I could have tried, but she was with Ross and he didn’t want me in their life. I am going to try and make it my life to get her to marry me.


I was practically heartbroken about what just happened. I didn’t expect her to do this, well yeah I sort of did. I mean those are Riker’s kids, not mine. She has that “connection” with Riker. She and I don’t exactly have one, but we do have four years. Four years of love, heartbreak, cheating, history. Four years’ worth of it. Something Riker and she don’t have.

I wouldn’t be shocked if she chose Riker, I mean after all he’s going to try his hardest to get her to marry him. He always had this look in his eyes. Whenever I was with Ella he always looked  at us with jealousy in his eyes. Maybe he was jealous because he liked her. If she doesn’t choose me, I guess it’s not the end of the world. There are other girls, but Ella will always be my first love. She will always have my heart, no matter what happens.


A/N: Alrighty guys! Here it is, the first chapter of *drum roll please* ‘If You Left Him for Me’! I know I know it’s taken FOREVER to get this done. I’m sorry. I’ve has some writers block and a lot has happened. If you didn’t read my message board a few weeks ago here’s what happened. On 10/18/13 and 11:15 P.M. My step mom passed. Her cancer got the best of her…. I was so hurt. I missed two days of school. The next Tuesday was her funeral (10/22). It was really sad. My whole family, even my mom’s side was there. My dad wanted my mom and my aunts there. I’ve been going to my dad house every weekend since it happened. He is alone. He doesn’t have anyone but me. It hasn’t been just him and I for 14 and a half years. It always been him. My step mom and I. My niece, my step mom’s son’s daughter @aelester999, is a year younger than me. She is my best friend. She and I take care of my dad. We keep him company and make sure he’s okay. He’s have a real hard time, obviously his wife of 11+ years just died. He took care of her towards the end. He slept on the living room floor while she slept on the couch. He gave her medicine when she needed it. He was always there. I’m sorry. I love and miss you Bev. Rest in Peace<3.

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