Chapter 26 - Missing ✔

Start from the beginning

Pulling up infront of the Estate, I hop out of the car and toss my keys to one the gaurds and make my way up the stairs, only to be greated by Alfred as he gets notified by the gaurds at the front gates of my arrival and his always waiting at the door for me, his the most loyal man I know and no matter how many times I ask him to not call me sir or master or even Mr Romano, it never works he sticks to his respect, his been taking care of the Estate since my grandfather hired him over 30 years ago and his more of a father figure to both Dante and myself but mostly me as I was always at the Estate when I was younger.

"Good evening Sir" Alfred says bowing his head when I get to the door.

"Evening Alfred, everything good here?" I asked knowing he would know what I'm referring to.

"Yes Sir, miss Fox went shopping and has been gone most of the day, everything has been quiet" he says and I fight the urge to roll to my eyes as that's what Sara does best, shopping.

"Good, I'm not the mood for her tonight, is Kiara upstairs?" I asked as we're making our way to the private wing, knowing she's the only one I wish to see now.

"No Sir, Miss Cambridge has not arrived as of yet" he says and I stopped in my tracks, knowing she should have been home over 2 hours ago. "Is everything alright Sir?"

"How can she not be here Alfred? She should have been home hours ago?!" I say to him as I pull out my phone and head right back to the main entrance. "Get the SUV ready, NOW!" I say to him as I start calling Kiara again. And still her phone is off, so I call Dante knowing somethings up, I can feel it.

"Dante meet me at the mansion, NOW! I'll be there in an hour" I say frantically as I can feel my blood is starting to boil.

"Hey man, what's going on I'm almost at the Estate I'll be there in a few." Dante says.

"It's Kiara man, she's not here something isn't right, her phone is off and she should have been here hours ago." I say to him as I rake my hand through my hair knowing somethings happened to her.

"Did you try calling Melody, maybe she's with her or at her apartment?" He asks and of course I didn't even think of that, Shit I'm losing it, I'm sure she's fine.

"Yeah I'll phone her now, just get here! I have a feeling something's up man" I say hanging up not waiting for him to respond and immediately call Mel.

"Hey Melody, is Kiara at your place?" I asked not even waiting for her to greet me back.

"Hi, no I don't think so as I'm on my way home now from work. I haven't spoken to Kia since last night and she never mentioned coming by either." She says and I can hear her driving.

"Oh okay thanks but if you hear from her call me immediately, yeah?" I asked, only afterwards regretting it as I didn't want to worry any of the girls as Kiara would kill me.

"Stephano is everything okay? You sound panicked and why would I hear from her before you as you're the one she lives with" she fires back, clearly knowing something is wrong, I'm so fucking stupid.

"Yeah everything is fine Mel. I'm not home and I just wanted to let her know when I'll be there but she hasn't arrived home yet that's all." I say lying to her, hoping she'll let it go.

"Look I'm almost home, I'll check if she's there and I'll get back to you okay but Stephano if something is wrong, you tell me okay! Kiara is my best friend and if something happened to her, I want to know!" She says and hangs up, fuck just what I needed.

"Sir the SUV's are ready and I called Mr Romano and Mr Russo from the bar area to meet you here" Alfred says and I didn't even know he was back or that Elijah and Gio are here

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