Chapter 5

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Icy Summer.

Chapter 5

The next few years were hell to both me an Natalia (known as Scarlet in public). We both had to gain control over the mutations that had occurred in our bodies. I would gain tremendous speed, and power, but to activate it I had to release killing intent. To those that could feel it, it was disadvantageous to me. I had to train day, and night in order to bring it to the point I could activate it at will. When activated I could move faster, hit harder, and everything around me slowed down, I was practically invincible. One day, I managed to injure myself when I was scaling a cliff as a basic endurance exercise, when I fell.

I was about 30 feet off the ground when a rock gave way, and I started to plummet towards the water below. At this height I would be fine, had the water been deeper than a few feet. As I fell, I braced myself for a painful landing, and assumed I would break bones in the process. When I came in contact with the water, I tucked myself in to avoid serious injury, and use my body for a shock absorber. I hit the bottom of the pond, and heard a crack. I figured I had just broken some limb in my body from the force of hitting the bottom. The water was a little murky due to all the silt, and algae that had grown under the water. I kicked off the bottom so I could get back up to the surface of the water for air.

        When I breached the surface, I gasped for air, and noticed a sharp pain in my left arm. “Damn, I broke my arm. I’ll have to head back to the base so I can get it patched up.” I said out loud. With the sharp pain of moving my arm, even a little, I moved myself back towards the beach. When I got to the beach I looked up towards the sky, and noticed it was going to be sunset soon. “Brilliant. It’s a full day hike out here. I’m not going to be able to get back to the base before night fall, even if I use my powers. Besides, at this point in time, it exhausts me to use my powers for more than a few minutes. Talk about a conundrum.” I complained.

        I decided that I should create a campsite for myself, and rest there for the night. I moved over to my camping pack from 3 years ago, and dug around until I found my hunting knifes. “Let’s see, I need wood, water, and some food… Why didn’t I bring those things out here? I knew I was going to be here for at least a week!” I thought out loud. “Dammit! I should’ve been prepared for this crap!” With my injured arm, I made a makeshift splint out of some wood that I cut from the tree, and wrapped it with some tape I had in my pack. “Good, now I don’t have to worry about pain for a while.” I muttered. Shortly before sunset I managed to get all my necessary items, except for the food. I was boiling the water for me to drink, and the fire still had a good while before I needed to kindle it. “Now, I need food. If I need only dinner, I should look for something small.” when a shadow appeared over me.        

        At my limit with my frustration I said, “You’ve gotta be effing kidding me. That is the opposite of small.” I lunged over to the side when a large paw cut the air where I had just been standing a second before. I swung around with my knife in hand, “A bear. It had to be a fucking bear.” The bear took another swipe at me, grazing my chest and already broken arm. Had I not moved an inch back when it hit me, I probably would’ve become sliced salami. This bear obviously wasn’t normal, it moved far too fast for it’s size, and was too accurate with it’s swings. My chest was bleeding, not enough to cause serious concern, but enough to worry me a little. In a taunting tone I said, “All right boxing Yogi, lets dance.”

I activated my powers, and got ready for a battle, but something was off, the bear was moving at normal speed. I would see bullets moving in slow motion when I activated my powers, yet a bear is moving at normal speed? Mildly scared I asked, “What the hell? How are you moving as fast as me, even when powered up?” The bear took another swing, but I managed to dodge this time. “Yeah, great idea Issac, talk to the bear. What’s next, a tree? A fish?” I muttered. I must be going insane from the pressure I was under. This time I decided that I would counter the bear by getting closer than it’s paws would reach. The bear took another swipe, but I was already closed in. I went for a stab towards it’s throat when it acted in a way that was completely unnatural. It closed its defence by swiping with its other paw, which had obliterated my back.

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